Gurgaon Private Metro- Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon (RMGL)
फौलादी पिलरों पर दौड़ेगी रैपिड मेट्रो
24 May 2011, 0400 hrs IST
पूनम गौड़ ॥ डीएलएफ
रैपिड मेट्रो फौलादी पिलरों पर खड़ी होगी। इसका निर्माण कार्य आगे बढ़ाने के साथ ही मेट्रो ने पिलरों के 5 तरह के डिजाइन का चयन किया है। जमीन और जरूरत के हिसाब से इन पिलरों का निर्माण किया जाएगा। करीब 7 किमी लंबी इस मेट्रो में 300 पिलर बनेंगे। इनमें से 197 पिलर अलाइनमेंट के लिए और 103 पिलर स्टेशनों के लिए बनेंगे। मेट्रो प्रवक्ता सर्वेश तिवारी का कहना है कि ज्यादातर पिलर सर्कुलर शेप के होंगे। लेकिन और भी कई शेप के पिलर बनाए जाएंगे। हर शेप के पिलर की अपनी विशेषता होगी।
सिकंदरपुर के पास होगा सबसे छोटा पिलर
रैपिड मेट्रो के पिलरों का डायमीटर 1500 एमएम होगा, जबकि इनकी औसतन ऊंचाई 10 से 12 मीटर की होगी। सिकंदरपुर के पास मेट्रो के पिलर सबसे छोटे होंगे। यहां पर मेट्रो को डीएमआरसी की मेट्रो के नीचे से गुजरना है। यही वजह है कि यहां ऊंचाई महज 7 मीटर तक रखी गई है। इन पिलरों में एम 45 और एम 50 की कंकरीट ग्रेडिंग का इस्तेमाल किया जाएगा। अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर मेट्रो के पिलरों में इसी तरह की ग्रेडिंग का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। पाइल कैप के ऊपर मेट्रो के इन पिलरों का निर्माण होगा। साथ ही पिलरों के ऊपर पिलर कैप रखे जाएंगे।
सब-वे को ध्यान में रखकर बनाए जा रहे हैं पिलर
भविष्य में किस जगह सब-वे बनाए जा सकते हैं, इसका मेट्रो ने ध्यान रखा है। इसे ध्यान में रखते हुए रैपिड मेट्रो 34 नंबर पिलर को सबसे लंबा पिलर बना रही है। इसकी ऊंचाई करीब 25 मीटर होगी। दरअसल, इस जगह एक सब-वे प्रस्तावित है। सिकंदरपुर में रैपिड मेट्रो के साइट ऑफिस के पास इसे ध्यान में रखते हुए यह फैसला लिया गया है। अगर भविष्य में यहां सब-वे का निर्माण होता है, तो पिलर को सब-वे के निचले सिरे से जोड़ा जाएगा। यही वजह है कि इस पिलर की ऊंचाई सबसे अधिक रखी गई है, ताकि सब के निर्माण के समय मेट्रो के स्ट्रक्चर को नुकसान भी न हो और मेट्रो की मजबूती भी पूरी तरह बनी रहे।
इन 5 शेप्स में बनेंगे पिलर
सर्कुलर पिलर
मेट्रो में इन पिलरों की संख्या सबसे अधिक होगी। यह सबसे मजबूत माने जाते हैं। अलाइनमेंट के लिए इससे बेहतर शेप के पिलर नहीं होते। अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर की तमाम मेट्रो इसी पिलरों के सहारे दौड़ रही हंै।
रेक्टेंगुलर पिलर
इन पिलरों का निर्माण स्टेशन पर होगा। स्टेशन का ढांचा खड़ा करने के लिए इन पिलरों को सबसे अच्छा माना जाता है। इस पर स्टेशन पूरी तरह फिक्स होकर खड़ा रहता है। फिलहाल , रैपिड मेट्रो के सभी स्टेशन ओपन होंगे। लिहाजा यह पिलर इनके लिए एक दम सटीक माने जा रहे हैं।
ट्विन कॉलम पिलर
ये पिलर मेट्रो को अधिक मजबूती देने के लिए एक निश्चित दूरी पर बनाए जाएंगे। इसमें 2 पिलर रहेंगे , जिनके सिरे ऊपर जाकर एक दूसरे से मिलेंगे। पहले इन जगहों की मिट्टी को टेस्ट किया जाएगा यानी सॉइल टेस्टिंग होगी। उसके बाद किस तरह का पिलर खड़ा करना है इसकी पाइल टेस्टिंग होगी। इन प्रक्रियाओं के बाद ही पिलर बनेंगे।
ओबलॉन पिलर
यह मेट्रो के सबसे छोटे पिलर होंगे। यह सिकंदरपुर क्षेत्र में देखे जाएंगे। इनकी ऊंचाई काफी कम होती है। लेकिन मजबूती में यह एकदम फौलादी होते हैं। दरअसल , सिकंदरपुर में रैपिड मेट्रो को डीएमआरसी की मेट्रो के नीचे से गुजरना है। लिहाजा पिलरों की ऊंचाई कम रखी जानी थी। इसलिए यह डिजाइन पसंद किया गया। इन पिलरों में पिलर कैप पिलर के अंदर चला जाता है , जिसकी वजह से पिलर की ऊंचाई कम रहती है।
ओबलॉन प्लस रेक्टेंगुलर पिलर
ये पिलर बेहद कम होंगे , लेकिन जरूरत के हिसाब से कुछ जगहों पर इन पिलरों को भी बनाया जा रहा है। इनमें रेक्टेंगुलर पिलर और ओबलॉन पिलर का मिलाजुला असर होता है। यह भी सिकंदरपुर क्षेत्र के आसपास नजर आएंगे ।
Gurgaonites to get Rapid Metro services from 2013
Date of Publishing: 2011-05-14 00:00:00.0
If everything goes well, the privately funded Rapid Metro will start its operation in Gurgaon from 2013. This will boost up the public transport system in the cyber city.
One single metro trip will accommodate 1000 passengers and once operational it will ease out the traffic chaos in Gurgaon. This metro service will also help to make the city pollution free. The most fascinating thing for the people will be the coaches of the Rapid Metro, which will have state-of-the-art facilities and designed to suit the aesthetics of the urban environment.
The Rapid Metro coaches will be made of aluminium similar to DMRC coaches and but it will be smooth and scratch proof. These trains will also have closed circuit television cameras inside the coaches apart from cameras outside the coaches so that the driver can see the entry and exit of passengers from the train. To avoid any untoward incidents the driver of the Metro trains will be able to observe passenger behaviour in every part of the train all the times.
While speaking exclusively to Cityplus the managing director Sanjay Rai of Gurgaon Rapid Metro said, "This is first time in India such project is coming up with public private partnership. The expansion programme is under process and the survey report of this project has been sent to the State Government for its sanction."
He further added, "For the commuters taking the metro from DLF Golf Course Road and for the people working in DLF Phase I, Phase IV, Sector 27, 28, 42, 43, 53, 54, 55 and 56, shopping mall, corporate houses will be directly benefited. There is also a possibility of metro expansion in Udhyog Vihar."
As these trains will pass through the residential areas, the services will be eco friendly and noise free. The Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon Ltd has already started work on the five km line. And order for 15 coaches from Siemens has already been placed. The trains on the line will have three coaches and initially the line will have five trains. Rapid Metro in Gurgaon will be India's first fully privately funded metro project.
Total Distance 5 Km
Metro Station 5, Sikanderpur, Dlf Phase Ii, Velwayder Park, Gateway Tower, Mall Of India.
Total Cost 1088 Crores
Speed Of Metro 45-90 Kmph
Teprature of Metro
coach 25 Digree Celcius
Humidity in Summer
and rainy season 60 Per Cent
Availability 90 Sec to 210 Secs
Length of Rapid Metro 60 Mtrs
Weight 104 Tons
Capacity carrying
passengers 1000 In One Trip
Distance 7 Km
Established Cost Rs 2000 Thousand Crore
Metro Stations 8 To10
to be built
— Prateek Chauhan
Rapid Metro fare on par with DMRC
HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times
Gurgaon, May 09, 2011
Commuters using trains of private Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon (RMG) in DLF City would have to pay the tariff on par with that of Delhi Metro services in Delhi and NCR. The light rail transit system (LRTS), which is smaller version of Metro rail concept, is coming up at a stretch of 6.1 km in DLF City
at an investment of R1,000 crore from private sector players. It would have connectivity with the Sikanderpur Metro station set up on Line 2 of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC).
RMG, which is projected to be functional in the first quarter of 2013, would be an effective feeder system for the Metro line between Delhi and Gurgaon.
Sanjiv Rai, the managing director RMGL promoting RMG said that despite the fact the RMG was coming up on 100% investment from the private sector, the passengers would be charged fare at par with the fares being charged by DMRC for its services.
“We are governed by the same Metro Act and therefore are bound by the guidelines. We would be charging the fare as per DMRC guidelines,” Rai added. RMGL is the special vehicle company promoted by the IL&FS and DLF group of companies.
The smart cards to be issued by RMGL would be applicable for all Metro trains across Delhi and National Capital Region towns, officials said.
Rai said that though the RMG trains would be equipped with the driverless technology but these trains would be manned by the experienced drivers.
“Though the drivers may not manually operate the train between stations but when it comes to changing tracks, the drivers are required to operate the train,” added Rai.
मिलेनियम सिटी में स्काईवॉक के सपने को लग सकते हैं पर
13 May 2011, 0400 hrs IST
पूनम गौड़ ॥ डीएलएफ
शहर के लोग आने वाले दिनों में स्काईवॉक की सुविधा ले सकेंगे। रैपिड मेट्रो अपने 2 स्टेशनों पर कॉरपोरेट जगत को स्काईवॉक की सुविधा देने वाली है। इसके बाद मेट्रो स्टेशन के आसपास की इमारतों में काम करने वाले हजारों लोगों को मेट्रो पकड़ने के लिए जमीन पर नीचे नहीं आना पडे़गा। वह बिल्डिंग से सीधे मेट्रो स्टेशन तक पहुंुच जाएंगे। यह जानकारी मेट्रो प्रवक्ता ने दी है। इस सुविधा के लिए डीएलएफ ग्रुप के साथ बातचीत की जा रही है।
पार्किंग और जाम की समस्या कम होगी
विदेशों में स्काईवॉक का चलन काफी पहले ही शुरू हो चुका है, वहां इसे काफी पसंद भी किया जा रहा है। इसके चलते रैपिड मेट्रो ने भी इस कॉन्सेप्ट को अपनाने की प्लानिंग शुरू कर दी है। मेट्रो को उम्मीद है कि स्काईवॉक के जरिए स्टेशनों के आसपास की बिल्डिंग में रहने वाले और काम करने वाले हजारों लोगों को मेट्रो पकड़ने में सुविधा होगी। इससे रैपिड मेट्रो की राइडरशिप भी बढे़गी। इसका दूसरा जो सबसे बड़ा लाभ होगा, वह यह कि सड़कों पर से ट्रैफिक भी काफी हद तक कम हो जाएगा। वहीं, पार्किंग की समस्या भी खत्म होगी।
2 स्टेशनों के पास हैं 150 बिल्डिेंग्स
प्राइवेट मेट्रो के रूट के आसपास एक पूरा कॉरपोरेट वर्ल्ड बसा हुआ है। साइबर ग्रीन एरिया के जिस एरिया से मेट्रो गुजर रही है, वहां करीब 150 बिल्डिंग्स हैं। इनमें 80 हजार से 1 लाख लोग काम करते हैं। बिल्डिंगों के आसपास ही रैपिड मेट्रो का डीएलएफ फेस-2 और गेट वे ऑफ टावर स्टेशन पड़ता है। जानकारी के अनुसार, इन्हीं 2 स्टेशनों पर स्काईवॉक बनाने की प्लानिंग की जा रही है। दोनों स्टेशनों के आसपास 40 से अधिक इमारतें हैं। ऐसे में यहां पर काम करने वाले हजारों लोगों को इसके बन जाने के बाद मेट्रो पकड़ने में काफी सुविधा होगी। इस बारे में रैपिड मेट्रो ने डीएलएफ गु्रप के साथ बातचीत शुरू कर दी है, क्योंकि यहां की अधिकांश इमारतें डीएलएफ की ही हैं।
पिलर्स के सहारे खड़ा होगा स्काईवॉक
रैपिड मेट्रो के सूत्रों के अनुसार , स्काईवॉक मेट्रो स्टेशन की ऊंचाई के बराबर ही होगा। इसी ऊंचाई के बराबर ही आसपास की किसी बिल्डिंग के फ्लोर को मार्क किया जाएगा। एक स्टेशन से एक ही स्काईवॉक बनाया जाएगा। जिस भी इमारत से स्काईवॉक जुड़ा होगा , उसके आसपास की कई इमारतों को भी इस बिल्डिंग से जोड़ा जाएगा , जिससे वहां काम करने वाले लोग भी सीधे मेट्रो स्टेशन तक पहुंच सकें। सूत्रों के अनुसार , मेट्रो स्टेशन की ऊंचाई को देखते हुए स्काईवॉक थर्ड या फोर्थ फ्लोर पर बन सकते हैं। यह स्काईवॉक पिलर्स के सहारे खड़ा होगा।
स्काईवॉक के कॉन्सेप्ट पर विचार किया जा रहा है। योजना अभी बेहद प्रारंभिक चरण में है। विदेशों में यह कॉन्सेप्ट काफी हिट है। रैपिड मेट्रो भी इसके लिए इच्छुक है। भविष्य में डीएलएफ के साथ मिलकर इस पर काम करने की प्लानिंग की जा रही है। डीएलएफ से बातचीत चल रही है और उन्होंने इस पर अपना रुझान दिखाया है।
– सर्वेश तिवारी , प्रवक्ता , रैपिड मेट् रो
Skywalks to link stations with offices
Sanjeev K Ahuja, Hindustan Times
Gurgaon, May 05, 2011
On lines of the Mumbai Skywalks, the firm constructing the Rapid MetroRail Gurgaon (RMG) plans to provide office-goers in DLF City easy access to the new Metro stations. According to the proposal, skyways or skywalks between office buildings and four Metro stations will help executives escape traff
ic jams and save on travelling time.
The RMG stations, however, would not have parking lots as is available in the existing Delhi Metro stations.
The 6.1-kilometre route starting and terminating at Sikanderpur Metro station would have six stations. As the alignment primarily caters to corporate citizens working in DLF Cybercity, four Metro stations are located near major office complexes.
Though the traffic flow inside DLF Cybercity, where about 60,000 people work, has been made one-way, the road meandering through this IT hub remains busy with vehicles coming from Gurgaon Expressway.
“Since a majority of the office buildings belong to the developer, DLF, that is a partner in the RMG project, we have decided to connect platforms of four Metro stations with the office buildings through skyways. With this, executives would be able to walk down to the Metro station and give the traffic a miss,” said an official of RMG Limited, the promoter company.
Two hi-rise residential towers Belvedere Park and Belvedere Towers and Block X of DLF City (Phase 3) also fall along the inter-city Metro route.
However, there are no immediate plans to connect these areas with the stations.
According to an estimate, about 28,000 cars are parked in DLF Cybercity on a daily basis and it is hoped to reduce the number with the introduction of the RMG service.
Rapid metro construction leads to traffic snarls
HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times
Gurgaon, May 08, 2011
The city's dream metro project has compounded the problems of commuters amid daily jams near the Rapid Metro Rail construction sites. Since a major portion of the road is blocked, traffic snarls have become a daily affair. All the six proposed station sites have become the traffic nightmare.
Starting from Sikanderpur metro station, the project covers DLF Phase 2, 3, Belvedere Park and Towers, DLF Cybercity, National Media Centre and Ambience Lagoon apartments. With the proposed project deadline being 2013, residents will have to wait for at least two years for smooth vehicular movement.
Ramesh Sharma, a daily commuter, said, "Due to the jam, it takes several minutes to cross the 200-metre stretch from Sikanderpur roundabout to the traffic signal at DLF Golf Course road. Earlier, Delhi Metro construction sites were a hassle for us, now it's Rapid Metro's turn."
Recalling the days when Delhi Metro's Gurgaon line was under construction, Vikram Singh said: "When the project was completed, we expected the traffic chaos to end but things haven't changed. We invariably get stuck at Sikanderpur station daily. The Gurgaon traffic police should deploy more people here."
On the other hand, a senior police official tried to comfort residents saying this will benefit them in future. Since, there are no alternatives, people should cooperate.
"Traffic policemen are doing their best to manage traffic," he added.
Expansion of Rapid Metro awaits govt nod
Sanjeev K Ahuja, Hindustan Times
Gurgaon, May 05, 2011
First Published: 00:28 IST(5/5/2011)
The network of India's first private light rail transit system — Rapid MetroRail Gurgaon (RMG) — is likely to spread further if the promoter company has its way. A feasibility study to extend the service from Sikanderpur Metro station till the end of Golf Course Road by about seven kilometres has been completed
The extension is estimated to cost about Rs 2,000 crore extra. The report has been submitted the report to the Haryana government for its approval.
However, plans to extend the RMG network from DLF Cybercity to Udyog Vihar and further to Palam Vihar has been put on hold as of now as a passenger-pattern study conducted recently revealed low ridership in these areas.
Slated to become operational in early 2013, the project will connect the existing Sikanderpur Metro station and make a loop of about 6.1 kilometre on elevated tracks inside DLF City.
The R1,000-crore project is being promoted by the consortium company of ITNL Enso Rail Systems (IERS) and DLF Metro Limited.
"The proposed extension would be a double track on an elevated structure along the Golf Course Road. The feasibility study has been submitted to the Haryana government that is likely to decide on the matter. We have designed the RMG in such a way that it can be extended northward and southward," said Sanjiv Rai, managing director of RMGL.
He added that since a study did not yield encouraging results in Udyog Vihar, extension plans have been stalled for now.
"Even the Haryana government is conducting a study in Udyog Vihar and other areas for the possible expansion of RMG," Rai said.
Skywalks to link stations with offices
Gurgaon, May 05, 2011
On lines of the Mumbai Skywalks, the firm constructing the Rapid MetroRail Gurgaon (RMG) plans to provide office-goers in DLF City easy access to the new Metro stations. According to the proposal, skyways or skywalks between office buildings and four Metro stations will help executives escape traffic jams and save on travelling time.
The RMG stations, however, would not have parking lots as is available in the existing Delhi Metro stations.
The 6.1-kilometre route starting and terminating at Sikanderpur Metro station would have six stations. As the alignment primarily caters to corporate citizens working in DLF Cybercity, four Metro stations are located near major office complexes.
Though the traffic flow inside DLF Cybercity, where about 60,000 people work, has been made one-way, the road meandering through this IT hub remains busy with vehicles coming from Gurgaon Expressway.
“Since a majority of the office buildings belong to the developer, DLF, that is a partner in the RMG project, we have decided to connect platforms of four Metro stations with the office buildings through skyways. With this, executives would be able to walk down to the Metro station and give the traffic a miss,” said an official of RMG Limited, the promoter company.
Two hi-rise residential towers Belvedere Park and Belvedere Towers and Block X of DLF City (Phase 3) also fall along the inter-city Metro route.
However, there are no immediate plans to connect these areas with the stations.
According to an estimate, about 28,000 cars are parked in DLF Cybercity on a daily basis and it is hoped to reduce the number with the introduction of the RMG service.
Rapid Metro on right track
Vineet Gill, TNN, Apr 14, 2011, 02.38am IST
Construction work for the Rapid Metro link which will connect Sikanderpur metro station to Cyber City, DLF phases 2 and 3, and the NH8 is right on track. According to officials, the overall project is already 25 per cent complete; and with the preliminaries almost over, the construction work is all set to enter its second phase this year.
In what will be the countrys first privately built and privately run project, work on the Rapid Metro began in 2009 and the first month of 2013 has been set as the target for completion.
The primary stages of construction work are the relatively difficult ones, and we are done with those stages, said Sarvesh Tiwari, the spokesperson for Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon Ltd.
According to a recent survey, more than providing better connectivity and allowing commuters to travel in comfort, the environment-friendly transit service will help reduce Gurgaons traffic clutter by a large margin. We are expecting a ridership of 1.5 lakh per day. According to research, this will ensure that at least 75,000 cars go off Gurgaons roads, said Tiwari, adding that the Rapid Metro is expected to help reduce approximately 40,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the air, which will translate to heavy carbon credit for the private firm.
The Rapid Metro route will cover a distance of 6.1km, starting from the southern side of Sikanderpur Metro station and going all the way to DLF phase 3, covering four more stations en route. The station structures will also become visible in no more than a years time, said Tiwari. Four of the six Metro stations are being constructed in the middle of various roads, and will double up as foot-over-bridges (FOB). Gurgaon doesnt have many FOBs. So these stations will also act as FOBs. Commuters will be able to cross-over without having to enter the paid enclosure, he said, adding that the overbridge crossing would remain open 24 hours a day.
The construction of supporting pillars near Sikanderpur, Cyber City and other areas lying on the Rapid Metro route, is also expected to be complete within the next 6 to 8 months. We will work day and night to ensure that the work on busy stretches is completed first, said Tiwari, adding that the traffic flow will become smoother on these stretches once the pier construction is finished.
The Rapid Metro ticketing system is also being synchronized with the DMRC system, so that commuters from Delhi can directly switch to the rapid link without having to stand in ticket queues.
Rapid Metro charts course in Gurgaon
Posted: Wed Mar 30 2011, 00:32 hrs Gurgaon:
The detailed route map for the 6.1-km Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon, accessed by Newsline on Tuesday, shows it charting a course from the existing Sikanderpur Metro station (connecting Delhi) to DLF Phase-II, Belvedere Towers, Gateway Towers, Mall of India, DLF Phase-III, before reconnecting with DLF Phase-II.
The Rapid Metro project is being developed under a Public-Private Partnership with the Government of Haryana. The contract for the project was awarded to a consortium of IL&FS Transportation Networks Limited (ITNL) and ITNL Enso Rail Systems Ltd (IERS), in partnership with DLF Metro Ltd in July 2009. Work was to be completed in 30 months.
At Sikanderpur, separate Rapid Metro tracks will run below the DMRC line, before turning left to Vishwakarma Marg. From there, the Metro will proceed to Phase-II.
Making life simpler for office-goers, the rail will cross the workstation hub at Belvedere Tower Building 10, before moving along NH-8 crossing till Gateway Towers. The Metro station at the Gateway Towers will also cater to those headed to Udyog Vihar.
According to officials, the rail will move along NH-8 till Moulsari Avenue, near the Mall of India — this will cater to the residents of U-Block. The route will go via the Bund Road crossing of DLF SEZ area, before reaching DLF Phase-III.
“While the initial plan was for 3.1 km of double lines, we took it beyond with single lines so that residents, office-goers and visitors to malls could benefit,” said Sarvesh Kumar Tiwari, spokesperson for Rapid Metro.
The Metro stations can also be used as foot-overbridges as the paid and non-paid areas will be separate, officials added.
A common ticketing system, for Rapid Metro and Delhi Metro will mean commuters do not have to buy tickets while switching between the two.
Officials said the frequency of the trains will be synchronized with the Delhi Metro to facilitate passengers. The total cost of the project is Rs 1,088 crore.
6 April 2011
Rapid Metro route to be extended by 14km
GURGAON: In the coming few years, commuting from Delhi to Gurgaon is likely to become much easier.
The first private Metro has plans to extend its under-construction 6km corridor to 20km. It would touch Sector 55 and 56 in new Gurgaon and would stretch up to old NH-8 (old Delhi road).

A feasibility study is underway to extend the Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon Ltd (RMGL), formerly known as DLF Metro, from Sikanderpur to Sector 55 and 56 along the Golf Course Road. This corridor could be about 7 km and there would be extension of about another 7 km from Gateway Tower, on the other side of the expressway.
RMGL spokesman Sarvesh K Tiwari said that they are hopeful of extending the line to cater to future needs. The first phase of Rapid Metro, from Sikanderpur to Gateway Tower on expressway, is likely to be operational in 2013.
Sources said that the RMGL is also in talks with the DLF to integrate the transport planning for Golf Course road. DLF is likely to undertake the widening of Golf Course road with less than 50% funding from the HUDA.
Sources said that the RMGL has asked DLF to work out the Golf Course road extension in a manner which would not come in the way of future extension of the Rapid Metro.
They added that getting land for the construction of the proposed corridor wont be a major problem, considering the space available along the Golf Course road.
Though the present extension of Delhi Metro to HUDA City Centre has come as a big relief for commuters, residents of both old city and most parts of new Gurgaon have been demanding that its route be extended further so that it connects more residential and commercial zones.
If extended, the Rapid Metro could work as a feeder Metro for thousands of commuters travelling between Delhi and Gurgaon, said Sudhir Kapoor, secretary general of DLF City RWA.
India`s First Private Metro will run from 2013 in Gurgaon-RMGL
Gurgaon private metro is set to dramatically change the connectivity of Golf Course Road when it would be expanded upto Sector 56 along the golf course road in second phase. One of the reason why DLF has taken over maintenance work of Golf Course Road is that it will help DLF to build metro track above Golf Course Road in the very near future.
Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon Limited has planned to start the metro rail service in Jan 2013 in Millenium Cityfrom Sikanderpur Metro Station touching DLF Cybercity ends at Mall of India and Gateway Tower before entering to Delhi.
India’s first privately funded, promoted by DLF and ILFS, will be good mode of transportation.
Slated to begin in January 2013, the service meanders through DLF City and touches corners at DLF Cybercity, that has a horde of multinational companies. Promoters say they have designed it with world-class aesthetics.
Starting from Sikanderpur Metro station, the RMG would meander through the posh DLF City (II) and touch Belvedere Park and Towers, DLF Cybercity, National Media Centre, Ambience Lagoon apartments before turning towards DLF SEZ in DLF City III.
Other locations include Hotel Leela Kempinski, Ambience Mall, Hotel Trident Hilton and border Toll Plaza on Gurgaon Expressway. Besides features such as the Automatic Train Operation (ATO) system, that does not necessarily require human drivers; the aesthetics of the entire 6.1 km long metro service would be on the lines of the Dubai Metro, officials of the special purpose vehicle (SPV) company Rapid MetroRail Gurgaon Limited (RMGL) claimed.
The aesthetic designs of 47 stations (nine underground) on the 75-km long Dubai Metro network is said to be the latest and most attractive in the world.
Sanjiv Rai, managing director of RMGL said, “Our consultants would design RMG stations in such a way that they merge well with the swanky buildings in the area,” Rai added. In July 2009, the Haryana government had awarded the Rs. 1088 crore-project of setting up 6.1 km-long to RMGL.
However, it is yet to receive formal nod from the union ministry of urban development. This service would also act as a feeder system for DMRC’s main metro service. Rai said RMGL would be signing lease agreements with the Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) as well as with DLF in the next few days.
“We need 50-60 percent of the land from HUDA that is median of the roads where the pillars of the elevated tracks would come up. There are minor encroachment issues that we believe would be sorted out by HUDA soon. Rest of the land comes from DLF.”
DMRC would be the Prime Maintenance Consultant for the project. The civil contract has gone to Maytas Infrastructure that promises to finish its work of erected elevated track within 24 months.
Further reads on Gurgaon Metro
Gurgaon Private Metro Work Put on Fast Track
Gurgaon To Get Airport Express Metro line
Gurgaon To Have Pod Taxi