Delhi-Meerut High Speed train route approved


Delhi Meerut High Speed Train- Twin Tunnel under Yamuna

रैपिड रेल को पॉवर कमेटी का ग्रीन सिग्नल

By: Inextlive | Publish Date: Fri 03-Jul-2015 07:00:34

– एनसीआर बोर्ड में हुई बैठक मेंआरआटीएस के मसौदे पर लगी मुहर

– दिल्ली में आयोजित बैठक में कमिश्नर ने लिया भाग

MEERUT: दिल्ली- मेरठ चलने वाली आरआरटीएस रैपिड रेल को आरआरटीएस हाई पॉवर कमेटी ने हरी झंडी दिखा दी है।गुरुवार को एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड में हुई पॉवर कमेटी की बैठक में रैपिडरेल रूट प्लान को रखा गया, जहां कमेटी के सदस्यों ने इसके मसौदे पर अंतिम मुहर लगा दी।

रैपिड रेल को लेकर तेजी

मेरठ को एक घंटे के अंतराल में दिल्ली से जोड़ने वाली हाईस्पीड रैपिड रेल की कवायद जोड़ पकड़ती जा रही है।
शहरमेंरैपिडरेलकेसंभावितट्रैकतलाशनेकेलिएआरआरटीएसकीटीमनेशहरकाजोसर्वेकियाथा।वहगुरुवारकोएनसीआरप्लानिंगबोर्डहाईपॉवरकमेटीमेंरखागया।मेरठसेकमिश्नरआलोकसिन्हाकेसाथबैठकमेंभागलेनेपहुंचेएमडीएकेएटीपीविवेकभास्करनेबतायाकिटीमद्वाराशहरकेसर्वेकीरिपोर्टकोकमेटीकेसामनेरखागयाथा, जहांकमेटीकेसदस्योंनेमसौदेकोस्वीकृतिदेदी।

येरहेगारूट – –

सरायकालेखान, आनंदविहार, साहिबाबाद, गाजियाबाद, मुरादनगर, मोदीनगर, मोहीउददीनपुर, परतापुर, जागरणचौराहा, एचआएसचौकऔरबेगमपुल।




गाजियाबादसेअपनेपचासकिमीकेसफरमेंरैपिडरेलकाआठकिमीकाट्रैकएलीवेटेडहोगा।दरअसल, मोदीनगरऔरमुरादनगरमेंजामकीविकटसमस्याकोदेखतेहुएइनदोनोंजगहोंपररैपिडकोएलीवेटेडटै्रकपरदौड़ानेकानिर्णयलियागयाहै।इसदौरानरैपिडकेलिएमोदीनगरमेंपांचकिमीऔरमुरादनगरमेंतीनकिमीएलीवेटेडट्रैकतैयारकियाजाएगा।

इसमौकेपरकमिश्नरआलोकसिन्हा, आरआरटीएसकेचेयरमैनयोगेन्द्रनारायण, सहायकनगरनियोजकविवेकभास्कर, एनसीआरप्लानिंगबोर्डकेसदस्यकुशवर्माआदिशामिलरहे।


– विवेकभास्कर, एटीपीएमडीए

inextlive from Meerut News Desk

Delhi-Meerut High Speed Metro -‘Twin Rail Tunnels’ proposed under Yamuna

13 August 2014

If things go as planned, Delhi may soon become the first city in the country to have twin rail tunnels under a river.

New Delhi:  The tunnels will come up under the Yamuna for the Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) that aims to link the capital with Meerut in Uttar Pradesh.

Sources in the Delhi government said that top officials have given their approval for the half-kilometre-long twin tunnels after the Union Urban Development Ministry revised the earlier design for the Delhi-Meerut link.

“The issue was referred to us once again and we have agreed to the new design for the underground section from Sarai Kale Khan to Anand Vihar,” said an official, aware of the discussions at Raj Niwas.

The underground section between Sarai Kale Khan and Anand Vihar would be about 10-km long and it would pass under the Akshardham Temple and the Commonwealth Games Village in east Delhi, he said.

Chief Secretary S K Srivastava attended a meeting with the Urban Development Ministry officials where he was informed that there would be a slight modification in the 90-km Delhi-Meerut link. He was later given a new plan which has now been approved.

Delhi Meerut High Speed Metro-YamunaTunnel

Delhi lieutenant governor okays high-speed rail links to Meerut, Panipat and Alwar

TNN | Jun 12, 2014, 02.33AM IST

The approval, which comes with a rider that the Delhi-Alwar corridor will terminate in Gurgaon, and not be integrated with the Airport line as suggested by Delhi Metro, is expected to give a boost to the concept of NCR.

NEW DELHI: Commuters travelling to NCR towns can expect a smooth and air-conditioned ride in the near future, with the Delhi government finally giving the go-ahead to the regional rapid transit system (RRTS) project connecting Delhi with Meerut, Alwar and Panipat.

The earlier city government under Sheila Dikshit had been objecting to the entry of the RRTS inside the city limits, citing congestion issues. On Wednesday, LG Najeeb Jung gave the approval for the three corridors as envisaged by the National Capital Regional Planning Board (NCRPB). The alignment for the Delhi-Panipat (111km), Delhi-Alwar (180km) and Delhi-Meerut (90km) RRTS has already been finalized.

The approval, which comes with a rider that the Delhi-Alwar corridor will terminate in Gurgaon, and not be integrated with the Airport line as suggested by Delhi Metro, is expected to give a boost to the concept of NCR. According to a survey conducted in 2007, over a crore vehicles travel through Delhi every day to reach these cities.

Delhi will have nine stations on these three corridors and part of the alignment will be underground. An official from the LG office said, “The Delhi-Meerut corridor, going through Anand Vihar to Sarai Kale Khan, would be implemented as per NCRPB’s proposal, supported by DMRC. NCRPB’s proposal on the Delhi-Panipat corridor, with alignment up to Kashmere Gate, would be implemented. The proposal of Delhi-Alwar corridor with changes in the alignment as suggested by DMRC are not agreed to as the services of Metro are available from Delhi to Gurgaon. For the time being, this corridor may be terminated at Gurgaon.”

The RRTS project was conceived to connect Delhi with NCR cities through high-speed trains, which would run at 60kmph. As part of the project, the four states involved — Delhi, Haryana, UP and Rajasthan — have agreed on the equity amount to be be contributed by each. Even the setting up of the Rs 100-crore corpus for NCRTC, a special purpose vehicle that would manage the project, has been given the go-ahead. Work on the three corridors, Delhi-Gurgaon-Alwar, Delhi-Sonepat-Panipat and Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut, was expected to start last year.

“With the high-speed corridors in place, the total cost benefit will be huge in terms of fuel, highway, pollution, capital and time saved. Delhi will benefit greatly, based on these factors,” said the government official. The high-speed links are also expected to check migration into the capital.


Feasibility study of alignments from Delhi to Alwar, Meerut and Panipat already submitted

Rumu Banerjee | Times Of India | 11 Sep 2012

Travelling to Delhi from neighbouring towns of Panipat, Meerut and Alwar is all set to get easier, with the ambitious regional rapid transit system inching towards reality.

The feasibility study of the project, proposed by the urban development ministry and National Capital Region Planning Board (NCRPB), is ready. The cabinet note on National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC), the special purpose vehicle that will execute the project, has been put up along with a note to the ministry’s expenditure finance committee.

Delhi Integrated Multi-modal Transit System (DIMTS), which is preparing the detailed project report for two of the alignments — the Delhi-Panipat and Delhi-Meerut lines, says the basic framework for the project is ready along with the fare structure. “The feasibility study also chalks out the financial structure of the project, along with the structure of NCRTC,” said a DIMTS spokesperson.

According to officials, the states involved in the project, Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, have agreed on the equity amount to be contributed by each to the corpus for NCRTC, 50% of which will come from the Centre. “The Planning Commission has also approved the project in principle,” said a senior official from NCRPB. National Highways Authority of India has also given the goahead to the Delhi-Panipat section, added the official.

The three alignments will connect these NCR towns to the capital through high-speed trains. “The trains will operate at a speed of 60kmph, and will run on broad gauge. Unlike the Metro, which has stations at a distance of one-two km, these alignments will have stations at a distance of five-10km,” said the DIMTS spokesperson.

Bigger coaches as well as luggage space will be the hallmarks of the trains, which will initially consist of three coaches. The fare, according to DIMTS, will be around Re 1 per km, with the Meerut line costing Rs 90 while the ticket for the 111km Delhi-Panipat line costing Rs 100. The most expensive will be the 180km Delhi-Alwar line at Rs 193. The fare will be graded according to the distance of the station from the originating point. According to the feasibility study, the frequency of the trains will be five minutes.

“The idea is to reduce the congestion on the road by tapping the two- and four-wheelers and buses,” said the DIMTS official. According to a 2007 survey, over a crore vehicles travel through Delhi every day. “With the high-speed corridors in place, the cost-benefit will be huge, in terms of fuel, highway, pollution, capital and time. There will be a benefit of 31% to Delhi,” said the spokesperson.

The 111km Delhi-Panipat alignment, which starts from ISBT Kashmere Gate, will reach the IOCL plant in 74 minutes. The 90km Delhi-Meerut line from ISBT Sarai Kale Khan will go to Modipuram in 62 minutes while the Delhi-Alwar line will start from ISBT Kashmere Gate and cover 180km in 117 minutes.

The government is also planning to develop pockets of real estate along the high-speed rail corridors, said DIMTS officials. “The development will be based on the transit-oriented development concept, with emphasis on high-density residential and commercial projects in these areas. The access to the rapid rail corridor is the backbone of this development,” said the official.

23 Feb 2011

और अब हाईस्पीड ट्रेन!

लखनऊ। लखनऊ में आरआरटीएस को लेकर मुख्य सचिव की अध्यक्षता मे हुई उच्चस्तरीय बैठक में दिल्ली के आनन्द विहार स्टेशन से गाजियाबाद होते हुए मेरठ तक कुल 80 किलोमीटर हाईस्पीड ट्रेन चलाने की योजना को मंजूरी दे दी गई।

जीडीए बोर्ड बैठक में पहले ही इस पर होने वाले खर्च आदि को लेकर मंजूरी दी जा चुकी है। दिल्ली के आनन्द विहार से मेरठ तक 16 स्टेशन प्रस्तावित किए गए हैं जिसमें से सात स्टेशन गाजियाबाद जनपद में होंगे। ट्रेन का अधिकतर रूट अंडरग्राउण्ड होगा। ज्ञातव्य है कि आरआरटीएस एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड की महžवाकांक्षी योजना है। इसमें चार राज्यों दिल्ली, यूपी, हरियाणा व राजस्थान के सहयोग से एक कम्पनी बनाकर आरआरटीएस के अन्तर्गत हाईस्पीड ट्रेने पूरे एनसीआर में चलाई जाएंगी। इसमें 70 प्रतिशत लोन एनसीआर बोर्ड देगा तथा 30 प्रतिशत राज्य सरकारें देंगी।

एनसीआर के शहरों को मेट्रो से जोड़ने की तैयारी

24 Feb 2011, 0400 hrs IST 

विशेष संवाददाता ॥ लखनऊ

वेस्टर्न यूपी के लिए अब दिल्ली दूर नहीं है। दिल्ली-वेस्टर्न यूपी खासकर एनसीआर के प्रमुख शहरों के बीच दूरियों को कम करने के लिए मायावती और ममता बनर्जी में आपसी सहमति बन गई है। तभी दिल्ली मेट्रो प्रोजेक्ट गाजियाबाद से आगे बढ़कर मेरठ तक पहुंच गया है। आनंद विहार इसका मुख्य सेंटर बनने जा रहा है। भविष्य में नोएडा-ग्रेटर नोएडा-जेवर में मेट्रो दौड़ा करेगी और दादरी, तुगलकाबाद, बल्लभगढ़ के बीच भी रेल मार्ग का डेवलेपमेंट तेज होना है।

यूपी-एनसीआर पुलिस जोन बनाने के बाद मायावती सरकार का सारा ध्यान वेस्टर्न यूपी के इन हिस्सों को हरियाणा-राजस्थान एवं मध्य प्रदेश की सीमाओं से जुड़े नगरों से जोड़ने का है। तभी रेल और रोड के एक्सटेंशन को टारगेट में लिया गया। प्रस्तावित इंटरनैशनल एयरपोर्ट जेवर (बुलंदशहर) को भी लिंक मार्ग से जोड़कर मेट्रो प्रोजेक्ट में लाने का इरादा स्टेट गवर्नमेंट का है। यूपी के चीफ सेक्रेट्री अतुल गुप्ता ने यह जानकारी बुधवार को एनबीटी को दी।

डीएमआरसी के प्रोजेक्टों को मिली मंजूरी के अनुसार नोएडा-ग्रेटर नोएडा को फरीदाबाद से जोड़ने के लिए एक्सप्रेस-वे बनना है। गुप्ता ने बताया कि इन सब प्रोजेक्टों के मुखिया ग्रेटर नोएडा के सीईओ होंगे और उन्हें मेंबर सेक्रेट्री पद का दर्जा दिया गया है। गाजियाबाद, गौतमबुद्घनगर, बुलंदशहर के डीएम कमिटी मेंबर होंगे। यूपी सरकार का इरादा इस जोन को कॉरपोरेट जोन की तरह विकसित करने का है।

गुप्ता ने बताया कि आनंद विहार से मेरठ के बीच भविष्य में दौड़ने वाली हाई स्पीड ट्रेनों-मेट्रो का यह प्रोजेक्ट लगभग इक्कीस हजार करोड़ रुपये का है। इन दोनों स्टेशनों के बीच सोलह स्टेशन बनेंगे। ट्रेन का अधिकतर रूट अंडरग्राउंड रहेगा, जिसमें सात स्टेशन गाजियाबाद जिले में पड़ेंगे। राज्यों को इस प्रोजेक्ट में तीस फीसदी राशि ही खर्च करनी पड़ेगी। जीडीए नवंबर 2010 में ही इस प्रस्ताव पर मुहर लगा चुका है। अब माया सरकार ने भी इसे अपनी मंजूरी दे दी है।

रीजनल रैपिड ट्रांजिट सिस्टम (आरआरटीएस) और दिल्ली-मुंबई इंडस्ट्रियल कॉरिडोर (डीएमआईसी) प्रोजेक्ट की दो अलग-अलग बैठकों के बाद गुप्ता ने यह भी बताया कि गौतमबुद्घनगर, गाजियाबाद और बुलंदशहर के चिह्नित हुए इलाकों में प्राइवेट सेक्टर से पूंजी निवेश की कवायद को और तेज करने का फैसला हुआ है। उधर रेल मंत्रालय ने यूपी सरकार से हुई बातचीत के बाद यहां इन सभी प्रोजेक्टों को शुरू करने का निर्देश दे दिया है।



High-speed train routes get approval
HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times

Noida, December 16, 2010

At a high-level meeting, chaired by Meerut commissioner, officials approved the route of high-speed trains. Orbital trains will link Metro rail and high-speed trains. The meeting, also attended by officials of Ghaziabad, Noida and NCR Planning Board in Meerut, decided the merging point — Meerut road trisection in Ghaziabad — for first-phase high-speed trains and Orbital rail. The DPR for the phase of high-speed trains has already been prepared.

Orbital trains will provide greater connectivity in Noida, Ghaziabad and other NCR areas. This new mode of transportation, serving commuters in an orbit, will connect the NCR with Delhi. And save a lot of travel time.

“Orbital trains will primarily move along the proposed Eastern-Western Peripheral Expressway. This will reduce traffic snarls in Delhi to a great extent. Heavy increase in traffic has made Delhi’s periphery very chaotic. Orbital trains will bypass traffic bottlenecks,” said a senior official.

Noida and the proposed Greater Noida Metro are elevated. Officials are hopeful the design will help accommodate Orbital train on this route too. Once the facility starts Noida and Greater Noida will be connected to Alwar, Meerut, and Panipat.

Lakhs of passengers will be able to roam around the NCR without getting into Delhi. Road users will also be able to use the facility.

Tentative Orbital train stations will be Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Kondli, Bahadurgarh, Gurgaon, Faridabad.

The proposed high-speed trains will be a mass transit system connecting far flung areas of NCR to the central parts of NCR (Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, etc.).

It will have dedicated rail lines where no other train will run and it will provide fast and frequent train services.


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