Gurgaon NPR- Inching Closer

No Progress Road: NPR to miss second deadline

HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times
Gurgaon, December 03, 2012

Eight months after it missed its first deadline, the much-hyped Rs. 57 crore Northern Peripheral Road (NPR) project is still struggling to reach the finish line even as the second deadline looms round the corner. The 18-km-long road, also known as Dwarka Expressway, is bound to miss the

December 31 completion deadline — thanks to the lackadaisical attitude of the Haryana Urban Development Authority (Huda).

The 150-metre-wide road will connect Dwarka in Delhi and Kherki Daula on NH-8.

Of the 18-km stretch, the bituminous work is complete hardly on eight km area. Moreover, a four-km stretch is entangled in a legal dispute.

"We still have 28 days and we hope to complete at least five km. I have asked the contractor to speed up the work and complete the stretch by end of the month," said Pankaj Kumra, chief engineer, Huda, the custodian authority of the project.

When questioned about the reason for the delay, the chief engineer said, "The contractors are facing law-and-order problems on the NPR, mainly on the portion under litigation. The workers are having difficulty as many houses and establishments have not been removed for the work.”

The delay has shattered the dreams of tens of thousands of buyers and builders whose money is invested in hundreds of projects coming up along the NPR. The project was awarded to JSR Construction Pvt Ltd and Indiabulls Construction Limited on April 1, 2011 and its first deadline was March 31, 2012.


HUDA pushes for Dwarka e-way

GURGAON: In order to put the construction of Dwarka expressway on the fast track, Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) has decided to give alternative plots to residents whose houses are coming in the way of the road in upcoming Sector 110 A. HUDA has already acquired the land for this purpose and is in the process of drawing up a layout plan.

,The civic agency has acquired 50 acres of land in the sector which will be given to owners of 300 houses in Palam Vihar and Kherki Dhaula. Around three kilometres of Dwarka Expressway, also known as Northern Peripheral Road (NPR), lies between Palam Vihar and Kherki Dhaula.

,These 300 houses are coming in the way of the construction of the 150-metre-wide road. Earlier, when the land acquisition department of the Haryana government asked people to vacate their homes for new development, the house owners approached Punjab and Haryana high court for relief.

,After this, the high court issued a stay order on acquiring the land forcefully. Besides that, the court directed HUDA and owners to sit together and find an amicable solution. After all the negotiations, HUDA offered plots to the house owners in Sector 47, but the house owners demanded that they should be given land to the existing areas and the compensation should be based on present market rate.

-Now, HUDA has offered plots in Sector 110 A. Praveen Kumar, HUDA administrator, said, “The work on Dwarka expressway will soon be completed. The department has already acquired land.”

,He added that issues like shifting of high tension cable and other minor works would soon be addressed.

,Dwarka Expressway can’t be made functional until all the ongoing litigation cases are resolved and. At present, out of a total length of 18 kilometres work is happening on a 14-kilometre stretch. Construction work is hampered by a host of issues including legal cases.

,NPR is being built under the public private partnership (PPP) model and will connect Dwarka in Delhi with National Highway 8 at Kherki Dhaula. ,The project has already missed two deadlines. Initially, the plan was to complete the road by March 2012, but it was later extended till September 30. No new deadline has been announced in the recent past.


Metro link: Centre asks DMRC for new plan

HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times
Gurgaon, December 08, 2012

The Union minister of urban development on Friday asked the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) to prepare a revised detailed project report within one month for a proposed 12-km high-speed Metro link between Gurgaon and Delhi airport.

"We have been asked to prepare a revised DPR

(detailed project report) for the Iffco Chowk-IGI Airport metro link in 3-4 weeks time and to incorporate the changes in the traffic pattern and ongoing development along the proposed alignment," said Mangu Singh, DMRC chairman and managing director.

The DMRC was told to work out the possibility of integrating the alignment of the under-construction Northern Peripheral Road (NPR), also called Dwarka Expressway. The instructions were issued in a meeting attended by the officials of the Union ministry, DMRC and the Haryana government.

"The ministry has indicated multiple bids would be invited for the proposed project. The DMRC has been told to look for the possibility of integrating the proposed link with the existing Airport Express Metro line," said SS Dhillon, the principal secretary Town & Country Planning and Urban Estates, who was representing the Haryana government in the meeting.

Since the proposed route does not cater to the needs of the Old Gurgaon localities, the state government has urged the DMRC to look for the possibility of altering the alignment to address the issue, Dhillon said.


Dec 12, 2012, 08.00AM IST
एनबीटी न्यूज।। गुड़गांव
सदर्न पेरिफेरल रोड (एसपीआर) पर नए साल में वाहनों के रफ्तार पकड़ने की पूरी उम्मीद है। 18 किलोमीटर लंबाई के इस रोड में से करीब 14 किलोमीटर का स्ट्रेच पूरा कर लिया गया है। 3 किलोमीटर हिस्से में निर्माण चल रहा है, जबकि 1 किलोमीटर एरिया पंजाब एवं हरियाणा हाई कोर्ट में विचाराधीन है। इस प्रोजेक्ट की डेडलाइन 30 जून 2013 तय है। दावा किया जा रहा है कि हाई कोर्ट का फैसला आने के 2 महीने के अंदर प्रोजेक्ट को पूरा कर लिया जाएगा।
एसपीआर की स्थिति
गुड़गांव-फरीदाबाद रोड को सदर्न पेरिफेरल रोड, खेड़कीदौला गांव के पास एनएच 8 पर जोड़ती है। फरीदाबाद रोड से सोहना रोड तक निर्माण काम को पूरा कर लिया गया है। अब सोहना रोड क्रॉसिंग पर ही रुकावट है। यहां करीब 500 मीटर टुकड़े में एक दर्जन से अधिक स्ट्रक्चर आ रहे हैं, जिनको लेकर अलग-अलग 12 याचिकाएं पंजाब एवं हरियाणा हाई कोर्ट में विचाराधीन हैं। इन स्ट्रक्चर में सोहना रोड स्थित बाबा भीमराव अंबेडकर भवन भी शामिल है। इस टुकड़े के आस-पास डेढ़ किलोमीटर रोड का निर्माण काम किया जा चुका है। दावा किया जा रहा है कि जैसे ही इन याचिकाओं का फैसला हूडा के पक्ष में आता है, उसके 2 महीने के अंदर 500 मीटर स्ट्रेज को भी पूरा कर लिया जाएगा।
इसके अतिरिक्त खेड़कीदौला गांव के पास करीब 500 मीटर एरिया में स्टे है। यहां एक कंपनी को 3 किलोमीटर एरिया में सड़क निर्माण का टेंडर 5 महीने पहले ही अलॉट किया गया था, जिसे 31 दिसंबर तक पूरा करने का टारगेट है। इस एरिया में सिर्फ एक ही स्टे है, जिसका मामला भी पंजाब एवं हरियाणा हाई कोर्ट में विचाराधीन है।

फ्लाईओवर बनाने का प्लान

एसपीआर के ऊपर गुड़गांव-सोहना रोड क्रॉसिंग पर फ्लाईओवर बनाने का प्लान है। इसको लेकर मिट्टी की जांच करवाई जा रही है। इसकी राह में भी कुछ स्ट्रक्चर आ रहे हैं, जिसकी वजह से यह प्लान भी अटका हुआ है। हालांकि मिट्टी की रिपोर्ट आने के बाद एस्टिमेट तैयार करने की प्रक्रिया को शुरू किया जाएगा। हूडा के अधिकारियों को पूरी उम्मीद है कि पंजाब एवं हरियाणा हाई कोर्ट का फैसला उनके पक्ष में आएगा, जिसको लेकर प्लानिंग तैयार की जा रही है।
किसको होगा फायदा
एसपीआर का निर्माण होने के बाद गुड़गांव निवासियों को काफी फायदा पहुंचेगा। इसके निर्माण से एक्सप्रेस – वे और गुड़गांव – सोहना रोड पर ट्रैफिक का लोड कम हो जाएगा , क्योंकि फरीदाबाद या न्यू गुड़गांव से मानेसर या जयपुर जाने वाला ट्रैफिक इन सड़कों पर नहीं आएगा। साथ ही साथ उनका टाइम भी बचेगा। सोहना रोड पर ब्रेकर होने की वजह से अभी वाहन टी – पॉइंट पर पहुंचकर सोहना रोड पर चलते हैं। यहां से सुभाष चौक से हीरो होंडा चौक निकल जाते हैं। एसपीआर के निर्माण से 20 से 25 मिनट का सफर बचेगा।
एसपीआर का निर्माण काम पूरा होने से शहरवासियों को काफी फायदा पहुंचेगा। लैंड एक्विजेशन ऑफिसर से आग्रह किया गया है कि वे पंजाब एवं हरियाणा हाई कोर्ट के समक्ष एसपीआर की महत्व को रखें।
– पंकज कुमरा , चीफ इंज ीनियर

Navbharat times

Delay in work on Northern Peripheral Road adds to commuter's woes on Delhi-Gurgaon expressway

Gurgaon's biggest headache this season- the unyielding traffic jams on the Delhi-Gurgaon expressway – could have ended this month-end, had work on the alternate expressway Northern Peripheral Road(NPR) been completed on time.

NPR connects Dwarka in west Delhi to Kherki Daula in Gurgaon situated on the Delhi-Gurgaon expressway. The alternate expressway, which was scheduled to be operational in October, has missed its extended deadline again and now, officials claim it would be ready only by year-end.

Executive engineer of Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) A.K. Makan, who was appointed to keep a tab on the project, said the project faced many hurdles. People have taken stay orders of their plots which come in the way of this 18 km-long expressway.

Officials pointed out that at least 15 pockets on the stretch are identified as vulnerable places which are privately owned land. "They have filed petitions in the Punjab and Haryana High Court and as of now, they have succeeded to take a stay on their plots," Makan said.

But out of the 18-km stretch, 14-km land falling under Gurgaon is not under any dispute. This expressway is important for the vehicular movement between Delhi and Gurgaon as far as decongestion on Delhi-Gurgaon expressway is concerned.

Residents of Dwarka commuting to and from Manesar and beyond have no option but to take the Delhi-Gurgaon expressway. When NPR is opened for the public, the commuters can easily take this route to reach their destination in just half the travelling time.

Read more at:


NPR misses deadline, work to finish by October now

Dhananjay Jha, Hindustan Times
Gurgaon, April 04, 2012

The much-awaited Northern Peripheral Road (NPR) project, which will connect the national capital with Gurgaon as an alternative route, has missed its March 31 deadline.

The 150-metre wide, 18-km-long road, which will connect the Dwarka border in west Delhi and Kherki Daula in

Gurgaon, is wider than NH-8, which is only 75 metres wide.

The Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) had awarded the joint contract to build 14 km to JSR Construction Pvt Ltd and Indiabulls Construction Limited on April 1, 2011, and had set a deadline of March 31, 2012. The remaining four km is under litigation.

Of the 14 km, only earth-filling work has been completed on 11 km. Officials said that the 14-km stretch would be ready by October 2012.

“We are closely monitoring the progress and hope that the October deadline will be final,” said AK Maggu, executive engineer of HUDA.

“Several structures of private plot owners, from whom HUDA had acquired land, had come in the way of construction and hence delayed the project. Most of these structures have now been removed,” said Maggu, who is in-charge of the project.

The road starts from the Dwarka border in west Delhi and passes through Bijwasan, New Palam Vihar, Kherki Daula and finally joins NH-8. HUDA sectors 83 to 113 are located along this expressway.

A commercial belt will touch sectors 105, 106, 109, 110, 110A, 111, 112 and 113. Sectors 100 and 101 will have public utilities.  Other residential sectors that are a little far away from the expressway but will benefit from it are 81-86, 89-93 and 95.

“The delay is a sign of negligence. The government is not ready to realise that thousands have invested their hard-earned money in the upcoming properties along the NPR and they do not know when this road will be completed,” said Navin Raheja, president of National Realty Development Council (NRDC) of India.


The much-awaited Northern Peripheral Road, also referred to as the Dwarka-Gurgaon Expressway, will not only act as a catalyst to Gurgaon’s growth, but will also ease the pressure on NH-8. ARJUN PURI writes

Gurgaon isn't mushrooming anymore, it is literally exploding. Visit any part of Gurgaon today, and you can see construction activity at a pace that is nothing short of frenetic.

The buzz is hard to miss and there is action everywhere. With a large number of offices, hospitals, hotels, apartments, and retail malls here, the population of Gurgaon is all set to double in the next few years. And, needless to say, the roads and the infrastructure being provided by the government needs to keep up with the pace of population expansion.

The main arterial road to Gurgaon, the NH-8 toll road, currently handles more than 2,00,000 vehicles per day (far higher than the original projections). As more and more apartments and office complexes are completed, the pressure on this already very busy road is bound to be enormous.

Commuters will certify that it takes a good 10-12 minutes to cross the toll gate during rush hours. The much-awaited Northern Peripheral Road, also referred to as the Dwarka-Gurgaon Expressway, will not only act as a catalyst to Gurgaon's growth, but will also ease the pressure on NH-8. The 18kmlong, 150-meter-wide road will connect Sector 22 in Dwarka to Kherki Daula in Gurgaon. The government of Haryana has awarded the construction contract of approximately 14.5km of this road to Indiabulls in April 2011, with a target to complete the dual carriageway (4 lanes) by April 2012. For the portions of land under stay, the government is working to rehabilitate the affected landowners by giving them alternative plots.

With the completion of this road, Gurgaon will be closer to Delhi than ever before. The International Airport T3 is just 3km away from the new residential sectors carved out by this road. The new diplomatic enclave being created by DDA in Sectors 25-29 of Dwarka will be a mere 1km from Sectors 111 and 113, the first of the sectors as one enters Gurgaon.

Several real estate players like Sobha Developers, Indiabulls, Ramprastha, BPTP, Raheja and Uppals have already announced projects in this area, though the prices vary and are determined by the location of these projects. For luxury projects at good locations, the rates vary in the range of Rs 5,500-6,000 per sq ft, while for simple specifications off the expressway, the rates are Rs 3,600-4,000 per sq ft.

As and when the expressway (double the width of the present NH-8) is complete, it may well change the face of Gurgaon real estate market. As the areas this road carves out are far closer to the airport and South Delhi, they may steal the march over sectors around the Golf Course Extension Road or Sohna Road.

Time will tell, but the excitement over Gurgaon's growth and the challenges it faces, remain palpable.




Source: TOI


According to a new Master Plan, the proposed Dwarka-Gurgaon Link Expressway will reach Delhi near Dwarka Phase II, the site of a new diplomatic enclave, and connect the current Metro corridor running parallel to the road. Once this project is complete, the area will become one of the hottest real estate zones in New Gurgaon. A K TIWARY writes

Dwarka-Gurgaon Link Expressway is being promoted as the next and hottest real estate destinations. This prime location of New Gurgaon makes the developing area as one of the most soughtafter destination for the rapidly growing residential, commercial and retail needs. Today, rates in Dwarka-Gurgaon Expressway have almost doubled, from over Rs 2,500 per sq ft to over Rs 5,000 per sq ft.

In Dwarka-Gurgaon Expressway region, more than two dozen builders like Chintels India, Sobha Developers, ATS, Raheja, Earth Infrastructures, Emaar MGF, Puri Construction, BPTP, Raheja, Uppal Housing, Mahindra Lifespaces, and Bestech have launched their projects and started the construction work.

Why Dwarka-Gurgaon Expressway?

Dwarka-Gurgaon Link Expressway became the talk of the town with work starting on it. The 150-metre-wide and 18km long Dwarka Expressway is likely to be completed within two years, although, originally, it was slated to be completed by October 2012.

But due to a land row (now solved), the project had been delayed. Indiabulls had bagged the contract for Rs 43.32 crore. The shift to NPR (Northern Peripheral Road) is solely because it will provide faster access to the airport and connect close to the 100m-wide road proposed in the new Master Plan.

According to the new Master Plan, the proposed Dwarka-Gurgaon Link Expressway will reach Delhi near Dwarka Phase II where a diplomatic enclave is being developed, and connect the current Metro corridor running parallel to the road. Once project is completed, the area will become one of the hottest real estate zones in New Gurgaon.

The road starts from Dwarka crosses Bijwasan, New Palam Vihar, Kherki Daula and finally meets at NH-8. Sectors 99-113 and Sectors 83 and 84 are going to reap rich dividends. There will be a commercial belt touching Sectors 105,106, 109,110, 110A, 111, 112 and 113 with Sectors 100 and 101 being for public utilities. And, then, Sectors 114 and 88 are fully commercial. Other residential sectors that are little far away from the expressway but will benefit from it are Sectors 81-86, 89-93 and 95.

Property scene

In the Dwarka-Gurgaon Expressway region, the Gurgaon's real estate development success story starts with the Chintels Group. The group has a land bank of around 500 acres, which primarily spreads across the Gurgaon region. Rather than building a housing and commercial project or a township, they plan to develop their land bank in a focused manner by systematically developing the area to include townships, several grouphousing projects, an IT park, commercial, retail, hospitality projects, and a professional campus. They have named this concept as Chintels Metropolis, an umbrella name under which all the projects will be developed. Prashant Solomon, the joint managing director of Chintels India Ltd, says: "We are coming up with Chintels Paradiso, a group housing project in the first phase of Chintels Metropolis, spread across Sectors 106, 108 and 109 of New Gurgaon on 12.3 acres of land. There will be over 500 apartments. These new residential sectors, bordering Dwarka Phase II are being promoted as the next hottest real estate destinations."

"The International City, a part of Chintels Metropolis, is being developed in Sectors 106 and 109 of Gurgaon, over 150 acres. Luxury villas and row houses are being built in the International City. There will be a total of 850 villas (including 665 for sale and rest for the EWS). The first phase will include around 200 villas. The project will be of world-class design and quality with proximity to Delhi, especially to the IGI airport and Dwarka, being its USP. This township will have facilities like shopping malls, commercial buildings, a distinctive club, schools, a dispensary, creche, etc, along with other essential institutions and services," Prashant Solomon says.

Getamber Anand, the CMD of ATS Group, says: "Here, ATS Kocoon, a grouphousing project on 11 acres, is being developed in collaboration with the Chintels Group. It is a gated residential project designed by the renowned architect Hafeez Contractor. It is spread lavishly across Sector 109. There will be a total of 444 apartments to cater to more than two thousand families."

Situated on the T-junction of 75-metrewide and 60-metre-wide sector roads, various commercial projects of the Chintels Group are to be developed in Sector 114 Gurgaon, over 30 acres. A professional campus on 35 acres is to be developed in Sector 115. Several farmhouses bordering Delhi have already been developed, which are over 50 acres.

Developers in Dwarka-Gurgaon Expressway

Developers in these sectors are Emaar MGF (Sectors 107, 102, 103, 99, 82, 84), Sobha Developers (Babupur and Bajghera), Puri Construction (village Chauma), BPTP (Sectors 99, 102, 104, 113 and other sectors), Raheja (village Pawla), Uppal Housing (Sector 99), Mahindra Lifespaces (Sector 110A) and Bestech (Sector 81, 82, 92), Vatika (Sectors 82, 83), Earth Infrastructures (Sector 112). SARE launched Green Parc Phase III of their Crescent Parc in Sector 92.

Scope for real estate development

Navin M Raheja, the CMD of Raheja Group, said: "The authorities concerned, like HUDA, should choose from other best practices and aim to provide infrastructure at and around the Northern Periphery Road (NPR) before large-scale development takes place. This includes sector roads, water and sewerage mains, electric sub-stations, etc. The biggest risk for any buyer in this area is the potential delay in construction of the NPR, which would have a domino effect on developments in this area."

"The appreciation of property prices will be good near this area. Another factor is the proximity of these areas to Dwarka-Gurgaon Link Expressway, which will help the residents here bypass the traffic at Gurgaon toll near Delhi, during peak hours. Keeping this in mind, we have already launched a number of projects in and around this expressway," Navin Raheja said.

Vikas Gupta, the director of Earth Infrastructure, says: "The areas near the forthcoming expressway are expected to become posh areas, as this expressway will meet the second diplomatic enclave of Delhi, in Dwarka. We can say that this area will become as desirable as Shanti Niketan and Vasant Vihar. We have launched a residential project, Earth Copia, in Sector 112." Bhim Yadav, the MD of Falcon Group, says: "Undoubtedly, this area will get a boost by the expressway. If the proposal by the authorities to let developers do the sector roads comes through, it will be a boon for the area."

Delhi-Gurgaon connectivity

Praveen Kumar, administrator of HUDA (Haryana Urban Development Authority), says: "We asked DDA officials to start the process of land acquisition on their side to build the Dwarka road, which could be connected to the NPR Expressway. This road is already notified and incorporated in the Delhi Master Plan."

"The DDA has already done a feasibility study for the proposed 80-metre road, which is going to be an extension of the road cutting through Sectors 27 and 28 in Dwarka. Surprisingly, the proposed NPR Expressway starts from NH-8 in Gurgaon, and terminates around 1.8km ahead of the Delhi-Gurgaon border. For another 1.2km, there is no road between the state border and the Bijwasan Road, as the DDA is supposed to construct it. In the absence of a nearly 3km road link, the NPR Expressway terminates in a field, at present," Praveen Kumar says.




Source: TOI

द्वारका एक्सप्रेस-वे से बचेगा समय

20 Jan 2012, 0400 hrs IST,हेलो दिल्ली  

एक्सप्रेस-वे पर करीब 43 करोड़ की लागत आने का अनुमान है। काम शुरू भी हो चुका है और इसके साल 2012 के अंत तक या साल 2013 की शुरुआत में चालू होने की संभावना है।

एक्सप्रेस-वे से लगते सेक्टरों के रूप में गुड़गांव के सेक्टर 103, 109, 110ए और 111-113 का नाम लिया जा सकता है। इन सेक्टरों का विकास रिहायसी इलाकों के रूप में किया जा रहा है और आने वाले समय में यहां काफी चहलपहल दिखने की उम्मीद है।

द्वारका एक्सप्रेस-वे जिसे कि आमतौर पर नॉर्दन पेरीफेरी रोड के नाम से जाता है, के तैयार हो जाने के बाद दिल्ली और गुड़गांव के उभरते इलाकों के बीच सफर काफी आसान हो जाएगा। 18 किलोमीटर लंबी यह सड़क फ्यूचर ट्रैफिक को नजर में रखते हुए प्लान की गई है। इसकी चौड़ाई 150 मीटर होगी ताकि आने वाले कुछेक दशकों तक भी ट्रैफिक में कोई परेशानी न आए।

इस एक्सप्रेसव-वे के जरिए द्वारका से पालम विहार, एनएच-8, रिलायंस सेज और इंडिया बुल्स सेज का सीधा जुड़ाव हो जाएगा। एक्सप्रेस-वे के चालू होने के बाद लोग इस रास्ते से पीक ऑवर्स में टोल प्लाजा को बाईपास कर निकल सकेंगे। सड़क को बनाने का मुख्य उद्देश्य ही दिल्ली (द्वारका) और गुड़गांव के बीच सफर को और छोटा बनाना है।

इन सेक्टरों को फायदा
एक्सप्रेस-वे से लगते सेक्टरों के रूप में गुड़गांव के सेक्टर-103, 109, 110ए और 111-113 का नाम लिया जा सकता है। इन सेक्टरों का विकास रिहायसी इलाकों के रूप में किया जा रहा है और आने वाले समय में यहां काफी चहल-पहल दिखने की उम्मीद है। डिवेलपर्स भी इलाके में खासी रुचि ले रहे हैं। इसकी पहली वजह यह है कि इलाका इंटरनैशनल एयरपोर्ट के काफी निकट है। वहीं, दूसरी वजह है इलाके का एनएच-8 के साथ साथ केएमपी (कुंडली-पलवल-मानेसर) एक्सप्रेस-वे के निकट होना।

यही वजह है कि इलाके में कीमतें तेजी से चढ़ रही हैं। 2008 में यहां रेजिडेंशल प्रॉपर्टी 2,300 से 2,500 रुपए प्रति वर्ग फुट में उपलब्ध थी, लेकिन जैसे-जैसे इलाके में काम तेज हुआ, कीमतें भी चढ़ने लगीं। 2011 में कीमत 3,500 से 4,000 रुपए प्रति वर्ग फुट तक पहुंच गई हैं।

कई प्रॉजेक्ट
इस इलाके में कई प्रॉजेक्ट लांच भी हो चुके हैं। जानेमाने डिवेलपर्स अपने प्रॉजेक्ट ले कर आए हैं। सेंट्रम पार्क और एनिग्मा (सेक्टर 103 और 110) इंडिया बुल्स के प्रॉजेक्ट हैं तो सेक्टर-112 में कोपिया अर्थ इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर का प्रॉजेक्ट है। रहेजा के प्रॉजेक्ट सेक्टर-108 और 109 में हैं। महिन्द्रा लाइफस्पेस ऑरा सेक्टर-110 में है, तो बीपीटीपी एम्सटोरिया सेक्टर-102 में स्थित है। फिलहाल इन सेक्टरों में पहुंचने के लिए लोगों को पालम विहार या फिर नजफगढ़ हो कर जाना पड़ता है।

एस्केलेड इंफ्रा प्रा. लि. के अशोक कोहली का कहना है कि कई प्रॉजेक्ट, जैसे कि रहेजा शिला, इंडिया बुल्स का सेंट्रम पार्क और महिन्द्रा ऑरा आदि तैयार हैं और इनमें साल 2012 के अंत तक पजेशन दिए जाने की संभावना है। री-सेल मार्केट में यहां के प्रॉपर्टीज की काफी मांग है। इसकी वजह है अफोर्डेबल प्राइस और दिल्ली से लगते गुड़गांव के बसे-बसाए सेक्टरों में प्रॉपर्टी सप्लाई की कमी।

2012-13 में एक्सप्रेस-वे तैयार
एक्सप्रेस-वे को 18 महीने में तैयार करने का लक्ष्य रखा गया है। इसका कॉन्ट्रैक्ट रियल्टी कंपनी इंडियाबुल्स की इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर विंग को मिला है। एक्सप्रेस-वे पर करीब 43 करोड़ की लागत आने का अनुमान है। काम शुरू भी हो चुका है और इसके साल 2012 के अंत तक या साल 2013 के शुरुआत में चालू होने की संभावना है। इसके चालू होने से दूरी के साथ-साथ समय की काफी बचत होगी। इलाके के रियल्टी डिवेलपमेंट में भी इससे काफी तेजी आने की उम्मीद रियल्टी एक्सपर्ट्स जता रहे हैं। एक्सपर्ट्स का मानना है कि किसी भी इलाके के विकास में कनेक्टिविटी की अहम भूमिका रहती है और यही बात यहां भी लागू होती है।

गुड़गांव-मानेसर की राह होगी आसान

Story Update : Friday, January 20, 2012     12:01 AM


गुड़गांव। शहरी विकास योजना विभाग ने गुड़गांव-मानेसर अर्बन मोबलिटी प्लान के लिए १७३१ करोड़ रुपये की डिटेल प्रोजेक्ट रिपोर्ट (डीपीआर) तैयार कर वित्त विभाग को भेजी है। वित्त विभाग की सहमति मिलने के बाद इस योजना पर काम शुरू किया जाएगा। इस प्लान को तीन चरण में वर्ष २०२५ तक पूरा किया जाएगा।
डीपीआर पर नगर निगम, हरियाणा शहरी विकास प्राधिकरण, एचएसआईआईडीसी, नेशनल हाइवे अथॉरिटी ऑफ इंडिया, लोक निर्माण और वन विभाग से भी सहमति मांगी गई है। इस योजना में गुड़गांव-मानेसर अर्बन कांपलेक्स मोबलिटी प्लान के तहत १७३१.१ करोड़ रु पये का बजट तय किया गया है। इसमें ८८८ करोड़ रुपये बस रैपिड ट्रांजिट के लिए खर्च होंगे। ३०८ करोड़ रुपये पैदल यात्रियों की सुविधाओं के लिए खर्च होंगे। मोबलिटी प्लान के लिए पूरी योजना तैयार की गई है।
इस रिपोर्ट के अनुसार प्रदेश में सबसे अधिक गति से गुड़गांव की आबादी का विस्तार हो रहा है। गुड़गांव जिले में मानेसर सबसे तेजी से विकसित हो रहा है। जल्द ही कुंडली मानेसर एक्सप्रेस वे शुरू हो जाएगा। २०२५ तक मानेसर एक बड़े शहर के तौर पर उभरेगा। मानेसर से उत्तरप्रदेश, पंजाब, राजस्थान, दिल्ली को सीधा जोड़ा जाएगा। इसके बाद मानेसर में परिवहन की सेवाओं का संचालन बेहद मुश्किल हो जाएगा। गुड़गांव से मानेसर की कनेक्टिविटी बढ़ाने के लिए गुड़गांव-मानेसर अर्बन मोबलिटी प्लान लागू करना होगा। नगर निगम और जिला प्रशासन की टीम अपने स्तर पर इसकी फिजिबलिटी की जांच कराएगा। गुड़गांव की २०२५ की अनुमानित आबादी अनुसार यह प्लान तैयार किया गया है। प्लानिंग विभाग के अनुसार वर्ष २०२५ में मानेसर की आबादी करीब १० लाख होगी। वर्ष २०४० तक मानेसर व इसके आसपास की आबादी २५ लाख तक हो सकती है। इस आबादी के लिए ३५ से ४० सेक्टर विकसित करने होंगे। बहुमंजिला इमारतें तैयार होंगी।

मोबलिटी प्लान के लिए सहमति मांगी गई है। जल्द ही इसका जवाब प्रदेश सरकार को भेज दिया जाएगा। निगम की ओर से पूरा रिकार्ड तैयार किया जा रहा है।
-बीएस सिंगरोहा, मुख्य अभियंता नगर निगम
कहां कितना होगा खर्च
बस की खरीद १५० करोड़
जंक्शन का विस्तार ३.१ करोड़
बस स्टैंड, क्यू शेल्टर २४ करोड़
सड़कों को चौड़ीकरण २०० करोड़
फुटपाथ एवं डे्रनेज ९० करोड़
ट्रैफिक मैनेजमेंट ८ करोड़
एफओबी ३०८ करोड़
मल्टीस्टोरी पार्किंग ६० करोड़
बस रैपिड ट्रांजिट ८८८ करोड़

तीन सुविधाओं से जुडें़गे
प्रदेश सरकार के प्लान के अनुसार मेट्रो का मानेसर तक विस्तार किया जाना है। रैपिड रेल ट्रांजिट सिस्टम के तहत भी मानेसर गुड़गांव-अलवर के बीच एक कड़ी बनेगा। इसके अलावा बेहतर रोड सर्विस भी उपलब्ध कराई जाएगी।
फरीदाबाद- बल्लभगढ़ मोबलिटी प्लान
गुड़गांव- मानेसर अर्बन मोबलिटी प्लान के अलावा फरीदाबाद -बल्लभगढ़ का मोबलिटी प्लान भी प्रदेश सरकार को प्रस्तावित किया गया है। इसमें २६५७ करोड़ रुपये का बजट तैयार किया गया है। प्रदेश सरकार की ओर से इन दोनों प्लान को मंजूरी दी जानी है।
नए रोड के लिए होगी पहचान
मोबलिटी प्लान के अनुसार गुड़गांव को मानेसर से जोड़ने के लिए फिलहाल केवल एक ही प्रमुख सड़क है। दिल्ली जयपुर राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग के अलावा चार नई सड़कें मानेसर-गुड़गांव के बीच बनाई जाएगी। इसके लिए प्लानिंग विभाग की ओर से प्रस्ताव दिया जाएगा।
मानेसर में बस अड्डा भी बनाया जाएगा
मानेसर मोबलिटी प्लान के अनुसार यहां एक मॉडर्न बस स्टैंड बनाया जाएगा। इसमें बाहरी प्रदेशों से आने वाली बसों को मानेसर तक की अनुमति होगी। इसके बाद शहर में आने के लिए सिटी बस सेवा मिलेगी। मानेसर से हरियाणा के प्रमुख शहरों के अलावा दूसरे प्रदेशों के लिए भी सीधी बस सेवा होगी।


Realtors shrug off deadlock on NPR, move ahead with their projects

Tanushree Roy Chowdhury, TNN Dec 2, 2011, 07.57AM IST

GURGAON: The continuing deadlock on the northern peripheral road (NPR) project, or the Dwarka Expressway, has finally forced realtors to launch their projects in the area after waiting for long for a decision from the government.

As one travels along the stretch, there is a lot of dust being raised, literally, as several developers have finally started construction hoping the project will be completed by the time they start handing over possession.

However, according to market watchers, a rise in capital value will be marginal owing to factors like escalated construction costs, greater home loan interest rates and developers reeling under high debts, among others. Nevertheless, despite the uncertainty on the status of the NPR, projects in this region have been launched at a much higher market price in the recent past.

According to a spokesperson from Sobha Developers, though their project is not dependent on the completion of the NPR, their planning and development of the area will be fully successful only once the expressway is fully functional.

"There are alternative approaches to the area but the NPR completion would greatly add value to it (the project)," the spokesperson said. While other developers have made alternative arrangements like widening the roads which are alternative approaches to their sites.

"Our sites have excellent access from 30-metre-wide roads which are being widened to 60-metre-wide roads, so even in the most remote event if the NPR were never to come, we would still have excellent access," said Arjun Puri of Puri Constructions Pvt Ltd.

Talking about the coming year, Ashutosh Limaye, Head – Research & Real Estate Intelligence Service, Jones Lang LaSalle India said, "The absorption rate – meaning the ratio of sales over inventory in the market – is likely to be low, and the incidence of new launches will decline." Limaye clarified that "project-specific price increases can be expected across all sub-markets" – pertaining specially to projects that are being delivered or are nearing completion, unlike the status on the Dwarka Expressway which have a delivery date of latest by 2014.

In the Dwarka Expressway region, none of the projects are close to completion, but despite that the prices are increasing perhaps because of speculation on the Dwarka Expressway being completed sooner than later, feel market watchers.

"While rising home loan rates have exerted pressure on buyers, developers have been constrained by the rising costs of construction and debt. We are now looking at a scenario where both developers and buyers are impacted by adverse macro-economic factors," explianed the real estate analyst.

However, brokers in this region feel the key to unlocking the value of Dwarka Expressway areas is the successful completion of the expressway. Currently investment is being driven by isolated reports that the construction has either started, is on in full swing, or will be starting soon.


NHAI, transport officials to discuss SPR expressway

Sanjeev K Ahuja , Hindustan Times
Gurgaon, December 06, 2011

The secretary-level talks between Haryana government and officials of the Union ministry of road transport and highways and National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) will soon take place in Delhi.

The meeting will centre around the issue of changing the alignment of the Southern

Peripheral Roads (SPR) Expressway connecting NH-8 before Kherki Daula toll plaza.

The proposed alignment of SPR (starting from MG Road) connects NH-8 about 1 km before the Kherki Daula toll plaza. SPR has acquired the status of national highway and has been allotted number 236.

Though the Northern Peripheral Road (NPR) (Dwarka-NH-8) also connects NH-8 a little before Kherki Daula, it is yet to attain the status of a national highway. However, in future, it is likely to get the same.

NHAI officials feel that if residents wish to move in localities along the SPR, they need to pay toll for the 1 km distance that they travel. Similarly, residents of Ambience Island, near Delhi border toll plaza, pay toll at a distance of 500 metre while crossing the plaza on way to Delhi. 

The ministry of road transport and highways wants both the roads — NPR and SPR — to converge at NH-8 (towards Manesar), 1 km after the toll plaza, citing better management of traffic.

However, the government wants to go ahead with the original plan of connecting the highway with the two roads before the toll plaza.

Ministry officials have accused the Haryana government of favouring the Gurgaon Expressway developer, whose revenue will increase manifold as the entire Jaipur-bound traffic using SPR and NPR will converge at the toll plaza.

SPR connects MG Road to Gurgaon Expressway (NH-8), while NPR connects Dwarka in Delhi with the Expressway through New Palam Vihar and newly marked sectors in Gurgaon master plan 2021.

During a meeting between ministry officials and the state government in March, both sides had heated arguments on the issue, a source said.

Haryana builds new roads, e-way users to pay tax

Dipak Kumar Dash, TNN | Nov 21, 2011, 02.17AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Haryana government is funding two roads – one from Dwarka and the other from Gurgaon-Faridabad Road – which will open on the Delhi-Gurgaon expressway just before the Kherki Dhaula toll plaza.

This would mean all car users from Delhi will have to fork out the toll – Rs 27 – for every trip to the expressway even when they only have to use a kilometre of the expressway. The roads are being built despite the highway ministry objecting that this will entail taxing people unnecessarily and the money will be pocketed by the private developer.

The 150m-wide road from Dwarka – Northern Peripheral Road (NPR) – and a similar stretch from Gurgaon-Faridabad Road – Southern Peripheral Road (SPR) – have been planned by Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) keeping in mind the future transport needs.

Initially, the Haryana government was in talks with the highway ministry to modify the alignment of the SPR so that it can be developed as a national highway (NH-236). In that case, NHAI would have funded the project.

"But after we objected to their proposal for joining the two peripheral roads just before the Kherki Dhaula toll plaza, they severed all communication. We had asked the Haryana government to consider opening the two roads a few kilometres ahead of the toll plaza. First they submitted that these could come up as competing roads to the expressway and afterwards they said the development plan for Gurgaon had already been notified and they can't bring about any change," said a senior highway ministry official.

The issue became a bone of contention between the ministry and the state's town and country planning department (DTCP), which prepares development plans. Finally, Haryana decided to go ahead with the SPR using state funding. "There is no question of any change in plan. The two roads will open on the expressway since we have notified the development plan and the roads are coming up as per the plan. How can you expect people to use roads without paying the toll?" said DTCP secretary S S Dhillon.

Cash in on the highways

Vandana Ramnani

21 May 2011

The northern-southern peripheral and Gurgaon-Faridabad oads mean easy connectivity to Delhi and could translate nto galloping property prices in the areas they touch

Simirin Singh, an IT professional working in Manesar, travels from Dwarka every day. He hates the long commute and cannot wait for work to be completed on the Northern Peripheral Road (NPR) as it will reduce his commute time to half.

Snighadh Sharma, another IT professional working in the same area, has invested in one of the housing projects coming up along the NPR.
While he bought the apartment a year ago for R2800 per sq ft, prices have now jumped to R3200 per sq ft after the contract to construct the NPR was given to Indiabulls earlier this year. It will also be interesting to see how prices will move once construction progresses along the 150-metre wide and the 18-km-long NPR.

Once that happens, it will not only be a major direct link with Delhi (from Dwarka side) alongside NH8, but will play a major role in redefining the real estate dynamics of Gurgaon. Interestingly, projects that were going at R3600 per sq ft along the NPR before the contract was granted, shot up to R4500 per sq ft soon after the financial bids were opened.

Going forward, as construction for the NPR progresses, residential sectors along this road are likely to see a spurt in prices due to the favourable location .
Clearly, the effect on land values is expected to be similar to the impact NH8 had on property prices in areas close to it once it became operational.

“There has already been a run-up in valuation, at least 20% since January and in certain cases 35%,“ points out Anckur Srivasttava of GenReal Advisers, adding one can easily expect a 30% increase in prices in the next 12 months for a decent location, developer and real progress on the site.

According to the new Gurgaon Master Plan, about 50 new sectors are to come up along the NPR stretch, which will include residential, commercial and institutional development. These are likely to comprise of almost 10,000 residential units.
Some of the residential sectors that face the expressway include 113, 111, 110A, 110, 105, 104, 102, 99 and 37 D, among others.

Besides, there is the commercial corridor which could throw up a supply of more than five to six million sq ft of office space over the next few years, and the NPR would facilitate faster access. The NPR will also lead to the SEZs planned to be built near the Gurgaon, Pataudi road, Manesar, Dharuhera and beyond.

The NPR is seen to have more potential than NH8 because it is linked to the growth story of Delhi. The first sector is barely 4 kms from Delhi's international airport. The expressway will also connect the 100-metre and 80-metre urban express roads under the Delhi Master Plan 2021. The confluence zone is likely to fuel construction of premium housing in the catchment areas. A diplomatic enclave is also proposed in the new sectors of Dwarka, barely a kilometre away from the zone being allocated for farmhouses.

According to Nitin Yadav, HUDA administrator, “The NPR has certain advantages over the extended Golf Course Road. Some of these sectors also have good connectivity with the airport and Dwarka. Better infrastructure is expected to come up here and bring in better possibilities for housing,“ Yadav adds. Referring to the 4 km bottleneck along the stretch, he says “We are hoping that the remaining 4 km will be cleared soon.“

At present, properties command prices of R8000 to R10,000 per sq ft on the Golf Course Road and R5000-plus per sq ft on the Extended Golf Course Road. The current price range of some projects launched in this belt is currently starting from R2600 to R3000 per sq ft. This price band caters primarily to the mid-segment along the NPR stretch, though villas, too, are on offer here in the range of R1 crore plus.

According to Narendra Gehlaut, MD, Indiabulls Real Estate Ltd, that has projects in sectors 103 and 110 ­ both in the advanced stages of construction ­ “the location is close to the airport and under the new MPD 2021, the stretch is directly connected to the 100 m road. Going forward, prices in this area are bound to go up.“

The QVC Realty Company also has two projects in the area. Both are joint ventures, one with Sobha Developers and Chintels and the other with Uppals. If the rates in DLF Phase I and II are R1,50,000 per sq yard, prices in the new sectors

are less than R50,000 per sq yard. In sectors 99 and 106/109, prices hover around R45,000.
These rates are almost at two third discount.

The company has 106 acres in Sector 99 and 153 acres in sector 106. “If new infrastructure is put in place ahead of demand it can open up a lot of land that can be developed and rationalise the prices. Once the road is up and running, there is no reason wh prices will not be doubled,“ points out Prakash Gurbaxani, MD and CEO of QVC Realty.

Earth Copia, a project by Earth Infrastructure, located barely half a kilometre from th NPR, is coming up with semiluxury apartments in Sector 11 at a rate of R4150 per sq ft.“ Th prices along the stretch are expected to appreciate by 4050% in the coming two to three years,“ says Vikas Gupta, direc tor, Earth Infrastructure.


Indiabulls to start work on NPR project in two days

Yogesh Kumar, TNN, Apr 8, 2011, 04.22am IST

GURGAON: The real estate wing of Indiabulls will begin work on the Northern Peripheral Road (NPR) within the next two days. HUDA sources said that representatives of the firm have pledged to start the project work this week itself.

The HUDA had floated tenders for the construction of the mega project early this year and last month after opening of the bids the contract was given to Indiabulls. As per the contract clause, the firm has to complete construction work within twelve months. The NPR project has eight lanes spread across a 150 metre-wide road which will connect Dwarka to NH 8 Gurgaon at Kherkidhaula crossing.




















All the design specifications have been given to the firm and the work will start soon as per the contract. Once completed it will be truly a futuristic road, said Superintendent Engineer, Pankaj Kumra, HUDA

The success of this project will go a long way to improve road infrastructure in the city. The project also has futuristic elements which the roads in Gurgaon lack at present. In several sections, the NPR will have provisions for the Bus Rapid Transit ( BRT) corridor to ensure the smooth flow of traffic. The HUDA had also incorporated the Foot Over Bridge ( FOB) in the entire stretch of the NPR. In addition to these, sufficient land on each of the project is been kept vacant to provide metro corridor along the NPR project.

The NPR project has been mired in controversy including litigation brought on by residents whose land falls along the course of the road. The HUDA meanwhile is doing the spadework for the project.

Lax DDA may delay Dwarka Expressway







Sanjeev K Ahuja, Hindustan Times
Gurgaon, April 12, 2011

The Dwarka Expressway, also known as the Northern Peripheral Road (NPR) Expressway, has hit yet another roadblock. Construction work had started picking up pace in Gurgaon region with Haryana Urban Development Authority (Huda) allotting the project to real estate firm Indiabulls last month.

But plans to get the inter-state road project ready by October 2012 may fail to meet the deadline as a three-kilometre long stretch connecting with Bijawasan Road in Delhi is far from completion.

Nearly 1.8 kilometre area in Gurgaon is embroiled in litigation over land acquisition while the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has not even started construction on its side to connect the NPR stretch with Dwarka.

As a result, commuters would not be able to make use of this ambitious project to travel between Delhi and Gurgaon as an alternate link even if the Gurgaon portion is ready in the stipulated time.

Asking their Delhi counterparts to get moving on the project, senior Huda officials met DDA officials last Thursday and urged them to expedite construction of a 80-metre wide and eight-kilometre long sector road to connect with the NPR Expressway coming from Gurgaon. The Huda delegation was led by administrator Nitin K Yadav while principal commissioner Deepak Trivedi led the DDA group of officers.

The 150-metre wide Dwarka Expressway is likely to be completed within 18 months by October 2012.

Indiabulls had bagged the contract for Rs43.32 crore last month.

The DDA, however, has not even conducted a feasibility study of the proposed 80-metre wide road which is going to be an extension of the road cutting through sectors 27 and 28 in Dwarka.

Huda administrator Nitin K Yadav said, "We asked DDA officials to start the process of land acquisition on their side to build the Dwarka road that could be connected to the NPR Expressway. This road is already notified and incorporated in the Delhi Master Plan."

Surprisingly, the proposed NPR Expressway starts from NH-8 in Gurgaon and terminates around 1.8 kilometres ahead of the Delhi-Gurgaon border.

About 1.2 kilometre further, there is no road between the state border and the Bijwasan Road yet as DDA is supposed to construct it.

In the absence of a total three-kilometre road link, the NPR Expressway at present terminates in a field.

According to Huda officials, DDA has assured them that the process for land acquisition would start soon once senior officers return from Assam and West Bengal where they have been sent on election duty.   

Yadav said, "The Delhi authorities already had plans to construct the road by extending it through Sector 27 and 28 of Dwarka but because of litigation issues with landowners in some portions, the matter got delayed."

Single sector rehabilitation likely for NPR-affected

TNN, Apr 1, 2011, 04.00am IST

GURGAON: The Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) is considering a proposal to accommodate all house owners affected by the Northern Peripheral Road project within a single sector in Gurgaon.

A high-level committee is vetting the proposal that looks into all the aspects of rehabilitation location of the sector, size of the plots and cost factors. The proposal will then be submitted to the state government.

A senior HUDA official said that the affected residents want to be accommodated in a single sector instead of being resettled across different areas.

The authority is planning to offer plots in an upcoming sector of Gurgaon. The agency is toying with the idea of carving out a single sector to offer alternative plots or flats to house owners affected by different government projects in Gurgaon.

The authorities, meanwhile, are in a dilemma over the size of the plots to be offered to these house owners.

A HUDA official said that the size of the new plots may not be in congruity with the dimensions of their old plots.

The authorities had swung into action after the Punjab and Haryana High Court ordered that the affected house owners be offered plots as per their expectations.

Last year, the house owners were agitated when they were offered smaller sized plots in Mayfield Garden. The residents had submitted before the court that they should be given plots equal in size to the houses they were living in earlier.


NPR stretch will enhance competition among realtors







GURGAON: On Friday, the Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) opened the sealed tenders pertaining to the development of Northern Peripheral Road (NPR) and the Dwarka Expressway.














As on date, HUDA has three private parties who have made bids for the project (which closed on March 7). These include Gawad Constructions, KCC Buildcone and India Bulls, the later being the front runner with the lowest bid of approximately Rs 44 crore, as against the estimated project cost is placed at Rs 57 crore quoted by HUDA. The tender papers mention the project completion time as 12 months.

Although the NPR is planned as a 150-meter road, initially 42-metre wide stretch would be developed with 25 meters being surfaced and 17 meters being the dividers.

The road will connect Dwarka to NH-8 at Kherki Dhaula.

Analysts feel that the NPR region (sectors 99, 101, 103, 106, 109, 111 and 112) will give a stiff competition to other developing areas like the Golf Course Extension Road (or the Southern Peripheral Road), Sohna Road and roads near Manesar, provided the connectivity is completed in time.

According to Sahel Parmendra, managing director (Markets), Jones Land LaSalle, India: Owing to the litigation and initial project delays, the NPR might take a couple of years more before it actually comes in to existence. However, once functional, the expressway will not only lead to better connectivity between Dwarka and Gurgaon but will also start speculative growth in adjacent areas. Some developers have already launched their commercial and residential projects and the activity levels are slated to go up in future.

He added, By virtue of being located in the vicinity of well established catchments of Dwarka and Gurgaon, the Dwarka Expressway will emerge as a stiff competitor to existing growth corridors in the NCR. This effect will be more pronounced in Gurgaon due to the proximity and the cost advantage offered by the new development.

Also, with the Gurgaon-Manesar Master Plan identifying Sectors 114 and 115 as commercial and institutional, respectively, the area around might emerge as a sub-city of its own.

Ajay Dabas of Certes Realty ltd said that the enhanced supply of land under the Delhi master plan 2021 coupled with the sectors adjoining the NPR would ensure the spiraling prices under check, by speculators. Delhi land currently is much cheaper than the prices in Gurgaon.

However, Santosh Kumar, CEO (operations), JLL, India said that the builders will have to target the mid-income consumer for high salability of their products. The USP has to be affordable housing to attract enough buyers in the market.





Update 27 Feb 2011

Basai plant to be shifted, NPR hits hurdle again

Tanushree Roy Chowdhury, TNN,

GURGAON: The Haryana government's ambitious Northern Peripheral Road (NPR) project seems headed for yet another roadblock with the Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) planning to shift the water treatment plant at Basai, which falls on the stretch.

The state had earlier planned to realign the road, but, officials say, this is not feasible as it would prove costlier than shifting the water works itself.

"The Basai plant, which supplies water to most parts of Gurgaon township, will be shifted to the proposed public utilities sectors under the new Master Plan," said HUDA administrator Nitin Yadav.

Under the MP-2025, approximately 564 hectares have been earmarked for public utilities in Sectors 100, 101 and 107.

Asked whether the shifting of the water works would affect water supply in the area, Yadav said: "Water supply will not be affected. Work on the new site

and construction on the NPR stretch will be carried out simultaneously. It is unlikely that the project will pose any hindrance, said the HUDA administrator.

The 18-km-long stretch connecting Dwarka to Kherki Daula in Gurgaon had run into several problems the latest being protests from New Palam Vihar residents against the compensation and alternate plots allotted to them by HUDA.

Of the entire stretch, close to 5.5 km is pending under litigation.

Haryana had recently invited tenders for allotting work on the stretch.

Read more: Basai plant to be shifted, NPR hits hurdle again – The Times of India


Govts fight over road plan

Sanjeev K Ahuja , Hindustan Times
Gurgaon, March 27, 2011

The Centre and Haryana government are at loggerheads on the issue of connecting the proposed northern and southern peripheral roads near Kherki Daula toll plaza on Gurgaon Expressway. The Union ministry of road transport and highways wants both the roads — Northern Peripheral Road (NPR)

and Southern Peripheral Road (SPR) — to converge at NH-8 (road going towards Manesar), one kilometre after the toll plaza, citing better management of traffic.

However, the state government wants to go ahead with the original plan of connecting the highway to the two roads before the toll plaza.

Ministry officials have accused the Haryana government of favouring the Gurgaon Expressway developer whose revenue would go up manifold as the entire Jaipur-bound traffic using SPR and NPR would converge at the toll plaza.

SPR connects MG Road to Gurgaon Expressway (NH-8) while NPR connects Dwarka in Delhi with the expressway through New Palam Vihar and newly marked sectors in Gurgaon Master Plan 2021.

In a recent meeting between ministry officials and the state government, both sides had heated arguments and exchanged bitter words on the issue, a highly placed source said.

Director general (roads) RP Indoria was representing the central ministry and K K Jalan, former principal secretary (town and country planning), was  representing Haryana.

Jalan was shifted to Public Works Department (PWD) a few days after the meeting.

Indoria confirmed that a meeting was held with government officials but he refused to divulge the details. Jalan could not be contacted for comment.

Sources in Haryana government said both SPR and NPR were planned in the Gurgaon Master Plan 2021 and there was no question of realigning them as the sectoral planning of the newly carved out 58 sectors had been completed and private developers had been given licences to develop projects



Update  18 Feb 2011

HUDA plans BRT corridor on upcoming NPR project

Yogesh Kumar, TNN,

GURGAON: Much like Delhi, Gurgaon too will have a BRT corridor to decongest traffic in the upcoming Northern Peripheral Road (NPR) project.

The Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) has already floated tenders for the ambitious project which will connect Dwarka with National Highway-8 at Kherki Dhaula. In several sections, the NPR will have provisions for the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor to ensure smooth flow of traffic. The exact locations of the corridor will be decided in consultation with the traffic and transport department, said a senior state government official.

It is not just the BRT that the HUDA is planning to build. As per the plan, foot overbridges will also be constructed on the entire stretch of the NPR. At present, there are no provisions for such overbridges on any internal or main sector roads in Gurgaon.

The NPR project has been mired in controversies including the litigations that the residents whose land falls in the course of the road have filed. The HUDA is meanwhile doing the spadework for the project which would strengthen the road infrastructure in the city.

The state government has commissioned a detailed survey of the NPR to pin-point the places where cross overbridges, BRT corridors, Metro bridges and foot overbridges would come up in future. The main emphasis is on planning the locations of cross overbridges on the entire road. Both the location and width of these overbridges would be worked out on the basis of the volume of the traffic, said a senior HUDA official.

The tenders for the eight-lane NPR project would be opened next month. The project has to be completed within 12 months from the day the tender is awarded, said an official.

Read more: HUDA plans BRT corridor on upcoming NPR project – The Times of India


HUDA floats tender for Northern Peripheral Road

TNN, Feb 17, 2011, 05.39am IST

GURGAON: After a long delay, the Haryana Urban Development Authority has invited tenders for the much-touted Northern Peripheral Road (NPR).

This stretch will connect Dwarka with National Highway 8 at Kherki Dhaula.

According to the tender document, March 7 is the last date for submission of tenders by private players. The road is being developed under the public private partnership (PPP) model.

The HUDA is expected to open the tenders on March 15.

The detailed document inviting tenders mentions that the project has to be completed within 12 months from the date of awarding of the project.

The NPR stretch has been planned as an alternate link road between Delhi and Gurgaon, and is expected to ease the traffic situation on the Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway.

Sources said that the construction of the peripheral road had been a priority for the state government, considering the major residential and commercial development happening along this corridor.

The road will also provide connectivity to the much-touted Reliance-HSIIDC SEZ besides the Garhi Harsaru dry depot.

A senior government official said, "A lot of time has been lost due to protests from affected property owners on this stretch. Now we want to expedite the work. The infrastructure development is crucial."
The HUDA tender also clearly mentions that the successful bidder will also have the responsibility to maintain the road for five years.

"Maintenance work will include repair of any potholes or depression, removal of all defects such as defective material, bad work man-ship and defective work/design, which will be done by the contractor free of cost. The contractor will be bound to repair road cuts also," the document said.

Update 11 Feb 2011


Dwarka Expressway far from a reality

GURGAON: Zero kilometre from the Dwarka Expressway Hurry to avail inaugural discounts, such SMSes might be flooding your mobile inbox for quite sometime now. The state governments much touted project Northern Peripheral Road (NPR) also called the Dwarka Expressway which has become the USP (unique selling point) for over two dozen builders, who have projects lined up on the stretch, still remains a dream.

According to officials at the Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA), they are yet to begin with the tendering process for the project. It means that the groundwork on the Expressway, as being assured by some developers, is just a far-fetched sales pitch.

The proposed 18 kilometre long and 150 meter wide Expressway (which will connect Dwarka and NH-8) has been in news due to several pending litigations from both residents and industrialists who have their plots coming in the alignment of the road.

Of 18 kilometres, the state government has 12.5 kilometres completely free from litigation. While the remaining 5.5 kilometres land is under litigation in bits and pieces. According to records, of 661 acres to be built as the NPR, barely 26 acres in fragments is under stay from court. However, this less that five percent land has put brakes on almost one-third of the total project.

Maximum land under litigation is in the New Palam Vihar area while remaining pieces are spread across sectors like 100, 102,103, among others. We are at the final stages of preparing the paper for inviting tenders for the project which will likely be floated sometime in March, confirmed a HUDA official.

The NPR will also decongest Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway, particularly near Delhi-Gurgaon boarder toll plaza which has witnessed higher-than-expected traffic volume growth.

If the NPR comes up on time and the proposed housing projects are made available in the market, the expanded supply would correct property prices in areas like the Sohna Road and Golf Course Extension Road.

The flood of SMSes and emails from or on behalf of builders like Era (sector 103), Earth Infrastructure (sector 112), Landmark (sector 103), Rahejas (sector 108), Ansals Housing & Siddhartha (sector 106), to a name a few from the list, sell Expressway as the key point. There does not seem to be any other selling point, exerts Dr Sanjay Sharma of QuBREX.

Developers market their products on the basis of letter of intent proposed Metro station, Expressway, etc. It is incorrect to make a proposed project a USP since there is no surety. In this case, developers must inform the customer about the ground reality, explained Ankur Sood, VP, residential market, North India, Jones Lang LaSalle.

Meanwhile, the earth works being carried out in some portions by the government departments has suddenly stopped. Market analysts have started raising a question on the states will to rapidly complete the project which was floated more than five years ago.

The state has already issued licenses to developers and collected external development charges (EDC) and internal development charges (IDC) from them. The developers on their end have invited bookings and will charge these from its customers.

All the land that has been acquired for the project is from public money. It is such huge wastage of public resources which could have been moved for better purpose, asserted Ajay Dabas, director, Certes Realty Ltd, an NCR-based reality firm.

There is a good news on NPR project as HUDA is now coming to terms with the magnitude of compensation to be provided to residents whose houses would be affected  in New Palam Vihar.

Below news is a hindi news article on tender processing for NPR


20 Jan 11

New Palam Vihar residents to be rehabilitated in Sec 110-A

GURGAON: Some of the residents of New Palam Vihar Colony, whose houses are located on Northern Peripheral Road (NPR) project, might get plots in HUDAs Sector 110-A in the city.

The residents of the colony had opposed the city authorities earlier offer of plots in Mayfair Garden. There are over 400 houses which come in way of the NPR project. However, there is no information about how many residents would be offered plots in Sector 110 A.

The city authorities had to plan the rehabilitation of these residents after being pulled up by the Punjab and Haryana High Court.

The oustees will be offered plots in the new sector. In fact, its a policy decision to rehabilitate them in the sector, said Nitin Yadav, HUDA administrator.

The residents had been demanding plots in same sectors for all the affected land owners. They are also demanding financial help to construct the new houses.

The delay in rehabilitating the affected residents is hampering the entire Northern Peripheral Road project.

The Northern Peripheral Road project is crucial for improving road connectivity in the city.

As per the planning, a 150 meter wide road is proposed from Dwarka in Delhi to

Kherki Daula on National Highway-8.

Read more: New Palam Vihar residents to be rehabilitated in Sec 110-A – The Times of India


Update 29 Dec 10

HC orders alternative plots on NPR stretch

GURGAON: Residents of the New Palam Vihar colony, whose houses are all set to be demolished, thanks to the NPR project, have welcomed the Punjab and Haryana High Courts decision to give alternative plots to residents, which will be acceptable to them. The HC has directed the government to offer alternative pieces of land from those that the the HUDA had already offered to the affected residents.
Confirming this, the RWA president, Rishi Raj Singh, said: All the residents have welcomed the Haryana and Punjab High courts judgment which has favoured the residents. We had rejected the rehabilitation option given by the city authorities.














The residents had gone on a warpath when the authorities had decided to offer plots in May Field Garden last month. A bunch of petitions filed by the residents came for hearing in the court of Justice M M Kumar and B Chauhan on December 17. The court acknowledged that giving residents, who live in built-up houses measuring 300-500 yards, 50 yards plot in return, was unacceptable.


Last month, a high-profile committee decided that affected house owners will be offered plots at a nominal rate of Rs 500 per square yard, when the actual market rates were at least ten times higher. But the residents claimed that many of them lived in big houses and that the HUDA has ignored the size of houses in deciding the alternative plots. All the affected residents are being given the plots or houses which were constructed originally for economic weaker sections by HUDA. This is unacceptable to residents, said Singh.

The NPR project is very crucial for improving road connectivity in the city. The 150-meter-wide NPR is proposed from Dwarka in Delhi to the Kherki Daula on NH-8 via Gurgaon.

According to the residents, the rehabilitation policy for affected house owners is faulty. It is flawed for two simple reasons: firstly, by giving away the EWS houses and plots, the authorities are denying basic housing facilities to people belonging to economically weaker section of society. Secondly, it is also reducing affected residents to the level of EWS, which would also not be acceptable to anyone, said Singh. The residents claimed that they were not against development and the NPR project, but they want proper alternative plots.

How can residents vacate their built houses when they know that the alternative plots are smaller and that the government is not going to give any financial help in constructing new houses? said Singh

Read more: HC orders alternative plots on NPR stretch – The Times of India


















Update 12 Dec 10

The hearing in High Court for Gurgaon NPR has been postponed to 17 Dec 10. The matter relates to about 500 villas and plots that are coming in the way of NPR road project that would connect Dwarka to Gurgaon.

Please follow below link from hindi newspaper

Palam Vihar RWA gets a boost from HC



GURGAON: The Haryana and Punjab High Court has instructed the New Palam Vihar colony RWA to inform the high power committee in Gurgaon about the options of alternative plots that affected residents would like to get in return for vacating their land for the proposed construction of the Northern Periphery Road.



Hearing a bunch of petitions moved by the affected house owners, Justice M M Kumar observed that the high power committee set up for finalizing the alternative plot allotment must give the affected houses owners a fair chance.
Welcoming the judgment, the RWA president, R.R. Rana said: We have complete faith in the court which has instructed us (the RWA) to meet the high power committee and inform it about the choice of alternative plots, before the next hearing. The next date of hearing is on December 10 and the RWA members will be meeting the high power committee in Gurgaon sometime next week. The committee has divisional commissioner T.K. Sharma, DC Rajender Kataria, HUDA Administrator Nitin Yadav, SDM Gurgaon North Satender Duhan and Senior Town Planner R K Singh on board.

Earlier, on November 30 the committee had decided that the affected house owners would be offered plots at a nominal rate of Rs 500 per square yard whereas the actual market rates are much higher. These house owners will be given possession of the plots as soon as an approval is received from the state government.

The RWA members went on warpath against the offer of alternative plots and houses which, they claim, were originally earmarked for economically weaker section. We will inform the committee that the affected residents must be compensated with a plot of same size, said Rana. There are over 250 houses which fall on the NPR project map which has 150 meter wide road starting from Dwarka in Delhi to the Kherki Daula on NH-8, through Gurgaon.


Read more: Palam Vihar RWA gets a boost from HC – The Times of India


Date : 4 Sep 10














The 150-metre wide Northern Peripheral Road will redefine the real estate dynamics of Gurgaon, says Vandana Ramnani

Sagar Parag travels from Dwarka to Manesar for work every day. The drive takes him more than an hour. Parag can't wait for work to begin on the Northern Peripheral Road (NPR), which is likely to reduce his commute time by half.

Madhukar Kumar bought a plot in DLF Phase II (close to the NH8) in the late 90s at R1000 per sq yard. Today, the area commands a price of R1.5 lakh per sq yard -almost 100 times the original price.

These examples clearly indicate the importance of the proposed 150-metre wide and the 18-km-long NPR, work on which may finally begin. And once that happens, it will not only be a major direct link with Delhi (from Dwarka side) alongside NH8, but will play a major role in redefining the real estate dynamics of Gurgaon.

Realty experts point out that the residential/commercial supply that will come up along this new infrastructure development will have a “healthy dampening“ effect on the otherwise spiralling real estate values that one has witnessed of late in Gurgaon.
Going forward, once the construction for the NPR takes off, residential sectors along the NPR will see a spurt in high-end housing due to the favourable location it offers, they say. Clearly, the effect on land values is expected to be similar to the impact of the new NH8 (as in Kumar's case) once it becomes operational.

According to the new Gurgaon Master Plan 2021, about 10 to 20 new sectors are to come up along the NPR stretch, which will include residential, commercial and institutional development.
These are likely to comprise of almost 10,000 residential units. Some of the residential sectors that face the expressway include 113, 111, 110A, 110, 105, 104, 102, 99 and 37 D, among others.

Besides, there is the commercial corridor which could throw up a supply of more than five to six million sq ft of office space over the next few years, and the NPR would facilitate faster access. The NPR will also lead to the SEZs planned to be build near the Gurgaon, Pataudi road, Manesar, Dharuhera and beyond.
The NPR is seen to have more potential than NH8 because it is tied with the growth story of Delhi. The first sector is barely 4 kms from Delhi's international airport. The expressway will also connect the 100-metre and 80-metre urban express roads under the Delhi Master Plan 2021. “The confluence zone is likely to fuel construction of premium housing in the catchment areas. A diplomatic enclave is also proposed in the new sectors of Dwarka, barely a kilometre away from the zone being allocated for farmhouses,“ says Ramesh Menon, director, Certes Realty Ltd.

The Haryana government has formally approved a budget of R132 crore for the project that was envisaged along with the 16 km long Southern peripheral Road (SPR) in the Master Plan 2021 notified three years ago. Work will start first on 14 kms of the total NPR stretch, which is litigation-free and has an allocated budget of Rs 67-crore.
The main bottleneck is the remaining 4 km stretch, which is currently under litigation as parts of it run through a SEZ and some Palam Vihar properties.

According to Nitin Yadav, HUDA administrator, “A detailed project report on the NPR is being readied. A consultant has been appointed for the same and he will be submitting it in the next four to five months. Once the DPR is ready, we will be floating tenders, which will also specify the time frame in which the project needs to be completed and the cost of the project.

“The NPR has certain advantages over the extended Golf Course Road. Some of these sectors also have good connectivity with the airport and Dwarka. Better infrastructure is expected to come up here and bring in better possibilities for housing,“ Yadav adds. Referring to the bottlenecks, he says “We are hoping that the remaining 4 kms will be cleared soon. We are in the process of finalising an alternative site for (affected) people .“

In the next decade the NPR will be what the NH8 has been so far for Gurgaon. At present, the NH8 is driving all the traffic between Delhi and Gurgaon and does not stretch beyond 90 m, even at the toll.

As per international norms, it is already carrying three times its capacity. It is, therefore, clearly a highway under duress. “The NPR will replace the existing NH8 over the next five to 10 years and that has huge ramifications,“ points out Anckur Srivasttava, chairman, GenReal Property Advisers.

Game-changer The supply created along NPR will have a “healthy dampening“ effect on the otherwise rampant run-up in the real estate values that Gurgaon has experienced in the last six months, Srivasttava adds.

At present, properties command R8000 to R10,000 per sq ft on the Golf Course Road and R5000-plus per sq ft on the Extended Golf Course Road. The current price range some projects that have been launched in this belt is currently R2600 to R3000 per sq ft. This price band caters purely to the mid-segment but going forward “residential sectors along the NPR will be an ideal destination of choice for high-end housing once construction begins,“ he says.

Significant interest and appreciation can be expected along the stretch, provided certain grey areas are addressed. It is, therefore, not a short-term play but a midterm to long-term play for both end-users and builders. To see some appreciation tangible progress should be visible on the stretch, he adds.

Since a large amount of residential and commercial supply is expected to come up here, it may have an impact on prices of the existing stock coming up on the Extended Golf Course Road. “I give it a threeto five-year horizon and I do see a possibility of a correction happening inside Gurgaon,“ says Santhosh Kumar, chief operating officer, Jones Lang LaSalle Meghraj.

The projects BPTP holds 108 acres in Sector 102 and will be launching a project very soon. “We are hopeful for the area as it is going to be the new growth corridor of Gurgaon. We also expect that the expressway will open new vistas of development,“ says Amit Raj Jain, vice president, BPTP.

“Since the proposed Diplomatic Enclave would be located close by, the quality of housing that will come up around this stretch would be even better than other projects in Gurgaon,“ he adds.

Indiabulls has 150 acres along the stretch. “For apartments facing the road, we plan constructing luxury apartments primarily in sectors 110, 104, 106 and 109. The launch of these projects will depend on the time when construction of the NPR begins -which we hope will be soon. The roads within the sector too are very wide -almost 24 m. Prices will start at R60 lakh. Metro connectivity is also planned for the area,“ points out Narendra Gehlaut, MD, Indiabulls Real Estate Ltd. Sobha Developers is planning to launch a township of 153 acres in sectors 106 and 109. “We have plans of developing high-end luxury villas there. Once the NPR is developed, the drive to the airport will be barely seven to eight km from the location,“ points out J C Sharma, MD, Sobha Developers.

Brisk Infrastructure & developers (P) Ltd also has land parcels in sectors 109 and 112. “We are planning to launch a mid-high end project named Lumbini Terrace Homes shortly,“ says Harish Gahlot, CEO Brisk Infrastructure.















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