KMP Expressway: Further Delayed
महत्वाकांक्षी परियोजना केएमपी एक्सप्रेस-वे का 53 किमी लंबा पहला चरण होगा शुरू
Story Update : Sunday, February 05, 2012 12:01 AM
गुड़गांव। प्रदेश की महत्वाकांक्षी परियोजना कुुंडली-मानेसर-पलवल (केएमपी) एक्सप्रेस-वे (वेस्टर्न पैरीफेरल एक्सप्रेस-वे) के पहले चरण में 53 किमी लंबा मानेसर से पलवल रूट अप्रैल में शुरू हो जाएगा, जबकि 135 किमी पूरे केएमपी एक्सप्रेस-वे को वर्ष के अंत तक खोल दिया जाएगा। गौरतलब है कि केएमपी एक्सप्रेस के निरीक्षण के बाद मुख्यमंत्री परियोजना में हो रही देरी को लेकर नाराजगी भी जाहिर कर चुके हैं। केएमपी एक्सप्रेस-वे को शुरू करने के लिए अब तक कई बार डेडलाइन बदली जा चुकी है। मानेसर से पलवल रूट खुलने पर टोल का भी भुगतान करना होगा।
चार राष्ट्रीय राजमार्गों को आपस में जोड़ने वाले केएमपी एक्सप्रेस-वे का करीब दो हजार करोड़ रुपये की लागत से निर्माण किया जा रहा है। केएमपी एक्सप्रेस-वे के शुरू होने से एनएच-1, एनएच-10 और एनएच-8 से होता हुआ पलवल में एनएच-2 से मिलेगा।
कंपनी प्रवक्ता के अनुसार, केएमपी एक्सप्रेस-वे दिल्ली-अमृतसर राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग-1, दिल्ली-फाजिल्का राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग-10 तथा दिल्ली-जयपुर राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग-8 को काटता है, इसलिए वहां बडे़-बडे़ लूप बनाए जाएंगे। यह लूप दिल्ली में धौला कुआं पर बने लूप जैसे होंगे, जिनसे वाहन चालक राजमार्गों से केएमपी एक्सप्रेस-वे के ऊपर चढ़ सकेंगे तथा नीचे भी उतर सकेंगे।
एनओसी लेने में लगा समय
केएमपी एक्सप्रेस-वे का निर्माण करने वाली कंपनी के प्रवक्ता का कहना है कि इस परियोजना में कई विभागों के जुड़े होने व जमीन अधिग्रहण में देरी के कारण कई बार डेडलाइन आगे बढ़ाई गई। जमीन लेने व निर्माण कार्य को लेकर कई विभागों व एजेंसी से एनओसी व क्लीयरेंस लेनी होती है, जिसमें काफी समय लग जाता है।
परियोजना पर एक नजर
135.65 किमी होगी केएमपी एक्सप्रेस-वे की कुल लंबाई
4 रेलवे ओवरब्रिज
2 हजार करोड़ रुपये कुल लागत
38 बड़े और छोटे पुल
9 मल्टी स्पेन अंडरपास
27 अंडरपास
4 बस पार्किंग स्थल
क्या मिलेगा लाभ
केएमपी एक्सप्रेस-वे के शुरू होने से दक्षिणी हरियाणा के शहरों से जुड़ जाएगा उत्तरी हरियाणा
एक्सप्रेस-वे के साथ बनेंगे इकोनॉमिक हब
The KMP (Kundli-Manesar-Palwal) Expressway is one of the most significant transport corridors in the NCR (National Capital Region) and is expected to boost the prospects of real estate on the corridor significantly. reports
The Kundli-Manesar-Palwal (KMP) Expressway will improve connectivity to a number of areas in northern, western and southern parts of the NCR. It will provide connectivity to developing areas like Kundli, Sonipat, Manesar, Gurgaon, Faridabad and Palwal. Several leading developers like Parsvanath, TDI and Ansal API have projects under construction along this corridor.
Puneet Jain of Property Guru Pvt Ltd said that the delay in the expressway has affected the realty market. Sushant City by Ansal API started giving possession of flats in 2009; yet, some of the units are still unoccupied. Kingsbury by TDI is another completed project in Kundli, where so far, 150 families have started living. The mall in the township TDI City is also expected to give possession in the next two-three months. Jain says “Once the expressway becomes functional, property rates will increase dramatically.”
The KMP Expressway, which is being built by the DS Construction Company, has been divided into three sections of 45km each crossing the National Highway. This internationalclass project will intersect four existing national highways and key railway lines, ensuring better connectivity across the NCR.
It will act as a bypass for traffic coming from north of Delhi on NH-1 and going to south of Delhi on NH-2. It will also provide faster access to the international and domestic airports for cities in Haryana. It crosses NH-1 near Kundli, NH-2 at Palwal, NH-8 at Manesar and NH-10 at Western Bahadurgarh.
Also known as the Delhi Western Peripheral, the Expressway is 135.6km long and is being constructed in Haryana under the 21-year plan. It has brought in many investors into the market. These investors are investing in commercial as well as residential projects on both sides of the expressway.
In Kundli, after the commencement of work on the Expressway in 2007, land prices increased from Rs 25 lakh per acre to almost Rs 1.5 crore per acre. However, because of the unprecedented delays and numerous missed deadlines, realty market on this stretch too is stagnant at present.
Rising property prices within Delhi has pushed a significant number of buyers towards the periphery. Moreover, with employment opportunities expected to be available in these new industrial cities, people are expected to shift into the Kundli area.
Deepak Agarwal of Property Mart says that developers like TDI, Ansals and Omaxe have come up with megaresidential and commercial projects close to the expressway to cater to future needs. According to KK Associates, the capital value of residential projects coming up here would be in the range of Rs 5,500 per sq ft while the capital value of commercial projects would be in the range of about Rs 3,500 per sq ft.
With good transport and road facilities, hospitals like Medicity are opening their branches within 5km of localities present here. Schools like K R Mangalam, Amity International and DPS have opened their branches near these localities.
KMP Expressway will also soon get one of the largest largest exhibition-cum-exposition centres, which would be planned over 200 acres and would be located at Pachgaon Chowk, close to the industrial township of Manesar in Gurgaon.
Yadav Kumar of K K Associates says: “With many investors and developers coming up, investment in this area will guarantee 100% return within the next onetwo years.Investing here would be more beneficial than investing in stocks or fixed deposits in banks.” QUICK BITES
Source: TOI
Take action against KMP: Panel
Tanushree Roy Chowdhury & Sukhbir Siwach, TNN Nov 17, 2011, 06.04AM IST
GURGAON/ CHANDIGARH: After several reports by TOI about repeated delays caused in completing the 135-km Kundali-Manesar-Palwal Expressway, a high-powered committee (Express Highways) has recommended invoking penal action against the concessionaire for delaying the ambitious project of the state.
This was in view of the continued slow progress of the much-awaited project and repeatedly missing the deadline proposed by the concessionaire, M/s KMP Expressways Ltd – a consortium of DSC Ltd and Apollo Enterprises. After detailed deliberations, a decision to this effect was taken in a meeting on Wednesday of the Express Highways committee under the chairpersonship of Haryana chief secretary Urvashi Gulati.
When asked by TOI, a spokesperson of KMP Expressways Ltd said, "We were not present in the meeting. However if a show-cause notice is being issued, we will examine it in detail and respond accordingly".The penal action would be initiated against the concessionaire in accordance with the provisions stipulated under relevant clause (15.4) of the Concession Agreement for which a detailed show-cause notice would be issued to him. There were continuous concerns which had been raised over the slow progress of work by the parent body – Haryana State Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC). According to records, the concessionaire had achieved physical progress of just 63.90 % till October end at a cost of over Rs 946 crore with monthly physical progress of about 0.16 % estimated at a cost of Rs 2.36 crore only against the original and revised targets of 100 %.
The concessionaire had not been able to achieve his proposed revised targets for the past two years and there had been a lag of about 36 % in the physical progress till October 2011 from the proposed target in the latest proposed work completion schedule, observed the committee.Present at the meeting were the Independent Consultant and representative of IDBI Bank, the lead lenders for the project, who also agreed with the decision of the state."The concessionaire had been shifting completion targets time and again despite the fact that the said targets in the earlier various review meetings were proposed by the concessionaire themselves. In the last review meeting the concessionaire was asked to give a firm commitment to complete the project, otherwise the state government would not hesitate to invoke action as per the terms of Concession Agreement," said a senior government official present in the meeting. It was informed that the chief minister, Bhupinder Singh Hooda, had made an aerial inspection of the project site thrice in the past one year. The concessionaire, in the review meeting by the CM on May 19 this year, had promised to complete the work on the priority stretch of 53-km Manesar-Palwal section of the expressway by August 20.
It was also promised that the entire stretch would be completed by November first week as reported by TOI. However, the concessionaire had not only failed to complete the target again but the progress of the work at the site was also going on at a snail's pace.
KMP e-way delay: Banks threaten action
Tanushree Roy Chowdhury, TNN Aug 27, 2011, 06.36am IST
GURGAON: The KMP Expressway project seems to be heading for bigger trouble with the latest August-end deadline set to be missed again. The consortium of 11 banks for this project has written to the Haryana government that action might be initiated against the concessionaire if it doesn't expedite the work.According to the concessionaire, the 53-km "priority stretch" between Manesar and Palwal will now be completed by November.This is the 12th deadline for the first stretch. However, looking at the progress, officials in the Haryana government feel that even if construction is put in top gear, the first phase might get completed only by December.The unprecedented delays and innumerable missed deadlines despite the state and the client – the Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC) – extending all possible support have caused worry for the bankers.
It is equally bad for the private developer – KMP Expressway Ltd, a subsidiary of DSC Ltd. According to estimates, the concessionaire is incurring a daily loss of several lakhs on account of interest during construction (IDC). Moreover, the delays could push the project cost to Rs 3,000 crore by 2013. The present cost is about Rs 2,000 crore.The concessionaire is also facing problems on the ground because of issues related to non-payment of bills to its contractors and their sub-contractors for a few months now. Also, several minor and major structures are yet to be completed all along the 53-km stretch.
About the reasons behind the delays, the concessionaire said that these were primarily due to "certain clearances from third parties like the IOCL for pipeline clearances, local agitation from villagers wanting additional structures (beyond the original scope), finalization of the change of scope items and the heavy monsoons".It also said, "With all the clearances more or less under control and the monsoon abating we are quite confident of making the stretch between Manesar and Palwal trafficable by end October/ early November…"According to DSC Ltd, delays will only adversely affect their revenues since the project had been awarded to them on a build-operate-transfer (BOT) basis for 33 years. "As a concessionaire operating on a BOT basis it is in our interest that the project gets completed on time or with minimum delay, as delays lead to additional fixed overheads, interest on loans, depreciation of plant and equipment and loss of toll revenues. Due to certain issues which are being solved there is a slight delay in starting the stretch between Manesar and Palwal," said a spokesperson.According to the Gurgaon deputy commissioner, P C Meena, the concessionaire has promised speedy action in the coming days."We are keeping a tab on their promised progress.
The district administration has decided to write to the state to initiate strict action if they fail to live up to the expectations," said Meena.The project has been planned on a unique and first-of-its kind closed-loop tolling system, wherein the user pays toll as per the distance used/ covered on the expressway.The toll rates fixed in June 2010 show that while cars would have to pay about Rs 0.75/km, light motor vehicles would pay Rs 1.25/km. Light commercial vehicles would be charged Rs 2.60/km and multi-axle vehicles including buses and trucks would have to pay Rs 4.15/ km.The concessionaire said that the toll rates would be fixed only at the time of completion. This could, in other terms, mean that in order to incur losses, the prices could be escalated (according to NHAI rates) to cover the time lost in completion by the concessionaire.
केएमपी बनने के बाद भी बरकरार रहेगी फिजा
28 Apr 2011, 0400 hrs IST
पूनम गौड़ ॥ मानेसर
केएमपी एक्सप्रेस-वे के शुरू होने के बाद पर्यावरण को नुकसान न हो इसके लिए प्लान तैयार कर लिया गया है। इसके लिए रोड के किनारे हजारों की संख्या में पेड़ लगाए जाएंगे। इनमें उन पेड़ों की संख्या ज्यादा होगी जो प्रदूषण कम करने में सहायक हों। पौधों को वन विभाग की नर्सरी में तैयार किया जाने लगा है। केएमपी के आसपास भूजल स्तर को बनाए रखने के लिए निश्चित दूरी पर छोटे-छोटे तालाब बनाए जा रहे हैं। रेन वाटर हार्वेस्टिंग का भी इंतजाम किया जा रहा है। सूत्रों के मुताबिक निर्माण से जुड़ी कंपनी ने हरियाणा सरकार को पत्र लिखकर सूचना दी है कि 2 महीने के अंदर मानेसर-पलवल स्ट्रेच शुरू कर दिया जाएगा।
हरियाणा स्टेट इंडस्ट्रियल इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर डिवेलपमेंट कॉरपोरेशन एचएसआईडीसी से मिली जानकारी के अनुसार इस एक्सपे्रस-वे को जमीन से करीब सात फुट ऊपर बनाया जा रहा है। इसके दोनों तरफ हजारों की संख्या में पेड़ लगाए जाएंगे। इन पेड़ों में त्रिवेणी(नीम, पीपल और बरगद) अधिक रहेंगे। यह पेड़ प्रदूषण को कम करने में काफी सहायक होते हैं। पेड़ चंद कदमों के फासले पर लगाए जाएंगे। इन पेड़ों को मेंटेन करने का काम भी प्राइवेट कंपनी को दिया जाएगा। इसके अलावा खूबसूरती के लिए हरी घास और कुछ फूलों के पेड़ भी लगाए जाएंगे। पेड़ों को लगाने का मकसद एक तो मिट्टी के बहाव को रोकना और दूसरा प्रदूषण स्तर को कम करना रहेगा। त्रिवेणी के अलावा अगर किसान चाहें तो आसपास की जमीन पर फलदार पेड़ भी लगाए जा सकते हैं। इन फलों पर पूरी तरह किसानों का ही अधिकार होगा। फल आने पर किसान उसका आर्थिक लाभ भी उठा सकते हैं।
ताकि डिवेलपमेंट के बाद भी बना रहे जलस्तर
केएमपी के पूरा होने के बाद इसके आसपास तेजी से डिवेलपमेंट होगा। ऐसे में इसके आसपास भूजल स्तर कम न हो इसके लिए भी अभी से प्लानिंग की जा रही है। बताया जा रहा है कि केएमपी के आसपास छोटे छोटे तालाब बनाए जाएंगे। बरसात में का पानी इसमें इकट्ठा होगा। इन तालाबों में रेन वॉटर हार्वेस्टिंग सिस्टम भी रहेगा ताकि यह जल सीधा जमीन के अंदर जाए और भूजल स्तर में किसी तरह की कमी न आए।
क्यों पिछड़ रहा है केएमपी का काम
केएमपी का काम अगस्त 2010 में हुई तेज बरसात की वजह से पिछड़ा। तब इसकी मिट्टी बह गई। इसे ठीक करने में तीन से चार महीने का समय लगा। इसके बाद धुंध और ठंड ने श्रमिकों को काम नहीं करते दिया। रा मटीरियल समय पर नहीं पहुंचा। इसके बाद होली आ गई। इसके बाद फसलों की कटाई का सिलसिला जारी है। इसके चलते श्रमिकों को एक बार फिर टोटा पड़ गया। बात यदि सिर्फ मानेसर और पलवल स्ट्रेच की करें तो यहां चार टोल प्लाजा का निर्माण होना है। यह काम देख रहे सीनियर इंजीनियर परवेश का कहना है कि अभी काम 50 फीसदी तक हुआ है। होली से ही लेबर की समस्या चल रही है। इसकी वजह से काम काफी धीमा चल रहा है।
क्या कहते हैं अधिकारी
( एचएसआईआईडीसी ) के डीजीएम सलिल नारंग का कहना है कि केएमपी के दोनों ओर हरे भरे पेड़ लगाए जाएंगे ताकि प्रदूषण शुरू से ही नियंत्रण में रहे। कोशिश की जा रही है कि कटने वाले कुछ पेड़ों को ट्रांसप्लांट कर दिया जाए। इसके अलावा फूल और हरी घास भी लगाई जाएगी। जन संरक्षण के लिए छोटे तालाब और रेन वाटर हार्वेस्टिंग को भी अपनाया जा रहा है।
कैसा होगा चारों टोल प्लाजा का स्वरूप
हाइवे 8 से पलवल की तरफ पहला टोल प्लाजा – 8 लेन
तावडू सोहना रोड के पास टोल प्लाजा – 6 लेन
सोहना नूंह रोड के पास – 6 लेन
हाइवे 2 के पास – 16 लेन
मानेसर पलवल स्ट्रैच
कुल लंबाई 53 किलोमीटर
डेट लाइन मार्च 2011 थी , अब डिक्लेयर नहीं
कुल फ्लाईओवर 15
पेडेस्ट्रियन 75
संपूर्ण प्रोजेक्ट
. कुल लंबाई 135 किलोमीटर
. कुल लागत 1830 करोड़
. कुल फ्लाईओवर 45
. पेडेस्ट्रिरयन , कैटल अंडरपास 220
. रेलवे ओवर ब्रिज 4
नई टोल व्यवस्था
केएमपी पर पहली बार देश में नई टोल व्यवस्था रहेगी। इस पर आप जितना लंबा सफर करेंगे उतना ही टोल देना होगा। एक्सप्रेस – वे से आप जिधर निकलना चाहेंगे वहां आपको टोल देना होगा।
. कार , यात्री वैन या जीप 0.75 रुपये प्रति किलोमीटर
. हल्के व्यवसायिक वाहन 1.25 रुपये प्रति किलोमीटर
. ट्रक या बस 2.60 रुपये प्रति किलोमीटर
मल्टी एक्सेल वाहन 4.15 रुपये प्रति किलोमीट र
Manesar-Palwal e-way delayed
NEW DELHI: Now it's official that the opening of the first patch of KMP expressway between Manesar and Palwal will be delayed by at least 15 days.
This means the priority patch, which the private concessionaire has been claiming to open `soon' for the past two years, could be opened to traffic only by May end.

Talking to TOI at his New Delhi residence on Monday, chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda said the state was seriously after the developer to make the first stretch operational. As of now the Haryana government has set April 30 as the deadline for this stretch.
"There are chances that a couple of more weeks will be needed before this portion of the expressway is opened for traffic. There are a few minor issues, which are holding back the completion, including high tension wire, fuel pipeline and forest clearance for a small patch of land. We are resolving all these issues soon," Hooda said.
Though the state seems to be justifying the delay, in the past two years, the private concessionaire, KMP Expressway Ltd, has announced several deadlines for this stretch. "If there were so many problems coming in the way of completion of this stretch, then how could the developer set such deadlines?" asked a senior government official.
At a recently held meeting to review the progress of the project, a senior HSIIDC official had highlighted that the developer raised these issues whenever it failed to meet the deadline. The developer had also submitted before the high-level meeting held under the chairmanship of the chief secretary that it would come out with a fresh deadline after assessing the ground situation. Sources in the HSIIDC said so far it has not rescheduled the expected date of inauguration.
Govt may penalise developer over KMP Expressway delay
TNN |Apr 6, 2011, 12.29am IST
GURGAON: Unhappy with the slow progress of the KMP Expressway, the Haryana government has warned the private concessionaire of invoking action as per terms of the concession agreement. Sources said that it could impose financial penalty on the developer, though it will be meager in comparison to the cost of the project.
The state government has asked the concessionaire to give the final date of opening the first stretch between Manesar and Palwal, which was scheduled to be operational by this month-end. The concessionaire submitted that it would give the exact date after accessing the ground situation, said a senior HSIIDC official.
These instructions were issued at a meeting chaired by the chief secretary, Urvashi Gulati, to review the progress of the expressway project on Tuesday.
Some of the issues put forward by the concessionaire as reasons behind the slow progress were change of scope orders and forest clearance at two to three locations. Gulati said that a sub-committee of the industry secretary and the MD of the HSIIDC might get these issues resolved. The HSIIDC MD, Rajeev Arora, said that concessionaire was trying to shift the focus from non-performance to petty issues.
State govt steps in to speed up KMP E-way
TNN, Apr 1, 2011, 04.03am IST
GURGAON: Amid reports that the inauguration of the first stretch of the KMP Expressway will miss its April-end deadline, the Haryana chief secretary will hold a meeting on Monday to assess the progress made on the project.
Sources in the HSIIDC, which owns the Expressway, said the next deadline for the completion of Manesar-Palwal stretch will be fixed after the meeting.
The re-scheduling comes despite the private developer, KMP Expressway Ltd, recently submitting an affidavit to the state government assuring that the stretch would e ready by the end of next month.
Though the entire 135-km-long Expressway corridor will take at least another year for completion, the agreement between the developer and the HSSIDC allows the private concessionaire to levy toll on the segment that would be made operational.
The state is concerned over the delay and, therefore, we have been holding regular monitoring meetings. Even the Gurgaon deputy commissioner has been asked to keep track of the progress. Further delay in completion will derail the governments development plan along the Expressway, said an HSIIDC official. The opening of the first stretch is likely to take traffic load off the NH-8.
Earlier, Gurgaon DC P C Meena had expressed concern on the pace of the project, saying he was unsure if the first stretch would be inaugurated anytime before July end.
The DC had also directed local district administration officials to prepare a monthly pictorial record of the projects progress on Kundli-Manesar stretch. The entire Expressway project has missed several deadlines in the past.
Consequently, the project is being monitored by a committee appointed by the Supreme Court.
16 March 2011
Already delayed by more than 20 months, the completion of KMP Expressway aimed at decongesting Delhi roads is likely to get delayed further beyond the revised deadline of November 2011. Top Haryana officials said with nearly 65% of the work completed so far on the 135km stretch, it will take at least one more year for the expressway to become completely operational.
The first stretch between Palwal and Manesar, which is about 40% of the corridor, is scheduled to be opened by April-end. Sources said the state has also got an affidavit from the private developer, KMP Expressway, a subsidiary of DSC Ltd, to meet the deadline. However, there are chances that the opening of the stretch might get delayed by a fortnight. The concession agreement allows the developer to charge toll tax on the stretch that will be opened for traffic. A senior HSIIDC official said though the agreement has a provision for levying a `minor' penalty on the developer for the delay, they are not raising the issue right now.
"Since this is a BOT (toll) road project, the developer has arranged for loan from financial institutions. They have released about Rs 800 crore so far and another Rs 300 crore is likely to be released. So, at this crucial stage we don't want to stir a controversy. We want the project to be completed as it's a prestigious project for us," he added.
The developer claimed that the delay has been due to late approval for designs of railway overbridges (ROBs) and grade separators and also because of land acquisition. Corroborating this claim, a top HSIIDC official said the designs of two major inter-changes at NH-1 and NH-10 were changed. He said since there were many agencies involved in getting clearances, there was an inordinate delay in getting the goahead for the project.
"This is the reason why we are not raising the penalty issue. The developer got the entire land only a few days ago. Shifting of fuel supply lines by PSUs crossing the stretch have also caused the delay," the HSIIDC official said.
Sources said when the project was awarded to the developer the state had acquired only 15% of the land required for the project. "The government should have acquired the land before awarding the project and the plans for structures should have been moved to the competent authorities for their approval for timely completion," said an official.
The other half of the Ring Expressway around Delhi -Kundli-Ghaziabad-Palwal (KGP) is yet to be awarded to a developer. NHAI sources said the bidding process has started and the 135km toll road is likely to be awarded by this June.
Source: KMP e-way moves in slow lane
THE KMP expressway is being constructed at a cost over Rs 2,000 crore.
It will connect four national highways -namely NH-1, NH-10, NH-8 and NH-2
DS CONSTRUCTION, which is in charge of lay ing the 53-kilometre stretch between Manesar and Palwal, which is part of the ambitious 135-kilometre Kundli-ManesarPalwal (KMP) expressway, has said the stretch will become operational by the end of April. The road will connect the Delhi-Jaipur National Highway-8 with the Delhi-Agra National-Highway 2.
Deputy Commissioner P C Meena held a review meeting on Friday to check the progress made on the construction of the expressway. During the meeting, the company gave an assurance that work would be completed in the next two months as clearances from the Railways and other departments concerned have been acquired.
A senior district administration official said that Manesar-Palwal stretch has 15 flyovers and 75 minor structures. The entire expressway is being constructed at a cost of over Rs 2,000 crore, and it will connect the four national highways, namely NH-1, NH-10, NH-8 and NH-2. Officials pointed out that al though the entire KMP expressway is expected to be completed by the end of this year, priority has been given to a particular stretch between Manesar and Palwal. The Deputy Commissioner will conduct a site inspection on March 17.
The project was delayed due to a number of factors, including petitions pertaining to land acquisitions pending before the Punjab and Haryana High Court, and was to be completed in 2009.
Traffic chaos on Gurgaon Expressway to ease soon
Sanjeev K Ahuja
The traffic situation on Gurgaon Expressway is all set to ease in April when the Kundli-Manesar-Palwal (KMP) Expressway will be partially thrown open for motorists.
With trucks and other heavy vehicles being diverted via the new route, local commuters will get relief from long traffic snarls.
At present, trucks enter Gurgaon from Faridabad and choke NH-8, the main carriageway and some crossings.
People coming from Faridabad would also find less traffic and will be able to enjoy a smooth drive to the Millennium City.
As NH-2 (in Palwal) gets connected to NH-8 in Naurangpur near Gurgaon, vehicles coming via Faridabad from Jaipur, Mumbai and other cities of southern India will be able to hit Gurgaon directly using the KMP Expressway.
This way, vehicles will be able to bypass urban stretches of NH-8 such as the Gurgaon Expressway.
At present, thousands of Jaipur and Mumbai-bound trucks enter Gurgoan from the Faridabad Road and go towards the Expressway from the Southcity Crossing causing congestion in DLF City, Southcity and other localities.
As per plans, a portion (53 kilometres) of the stretch between Manesar and Palwal of the KMP Expressway (also known as the Western Peripheral Expressway) is likely to be opened for commuters in April. The remaining portion of the 136-kms long Expressway is likely to be inaugurated in November, officials of KMP Expressway Limited said.
However, the partial opening of KMP Expressway may bring some bad news for industrialists of IMT Manesar.
Trucks coming to the city from the Faridabad Road till now would have to use the Manesar-Palwal portion of KMP Expressway to enter Gurgaon.
KMP e-way to partially open in March
Indian Express
Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Tuesday made an aerial survey of the Kundli-Manesar-Palwal (KMP) Expressway and reviewed the progress of its construction near Gurgaon and Rai.
The 135-km expressway is being constructed in the fast-track mode at a cost of Rs 1,830 crore. According to the construction company, DSC Limited, the 53-km stretch from Manesar to Palwal — connecting NH-8 and NH-2 — will be completed by March 2011 and opened to traffic. The stretch between Kundli and Manesar is expected to be completed by August.
The officers of the construction company said big loops will be constructed on the expressway where it cuts the Delhi-Amritsar NH-1, Delhi-Fazilka NH-10 and Delhi-Jaipur NH-8. These loops will facilitate movement of commuters from the state highways to the expressway, while allowing the traffic on the state highways to continue without interruption.
Between Manesar and Palwal, 15 flyovers and 75 small bridges will be constructed. Similarly, between Kundli and Manesar, 30 flyovers and four railway overbridges will be carried out.
The officers said all clearances, including that from the Railways, have been obtained. The process of land acquisition has also been completed. The expressway will initially be four-laned, but maybe converted into a six-lane road later.
DSC Limited has been given 23 years and nine months to complete construction on a BOT basis and recover the cost.