Posts Tagged ‘delhi pod taxi’

Delhi to have POD taxi

Transporting Delhi To Future- News on Monorail & Pod Taxi


Site surveys for pod cars to begin in June

Posted: Mon May 16 2011, 01:00 hrs New Delhi:

Surveys and detailed traffic studies are set to begin at five locations in Delhi to decide on sites for implementing pod cars as a para-transit mode of travel.

Feasibility studies will be conducted at Dwarka, ITPO, Karol Bagh, East Delhi and North Campus, following which one or two areas will be selected for the pilot project.

The Delhi government asked the Delhi Integrated Multi-modal Transit System (DIMTS), an autonomous government-funded body created for transport planning and solutions, to work on a detailed project report to assess the demand and feasibility of pod cars at the locations in the last week of April. The DIMTS has to complete the studies in six months and suggest locations for implementation.

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